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Rob Ford's Toronto

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It's sad that populist movements, built on the support of people who are often dis-advantaged, are almost always actually led by an ego-centric millionaire exploiting people for goals that are against those peoples' best interests. Obviously quite different, but when you look at the tea party movement in the States, you'll find big individuals and big money pulling the strings there too.

Simply stated and spot on.
I've never had more contradictory feelings about anyone in this whole mess than I've had about her. Part of me wants to shake her, another part wants to hug her.

Most recent response to that tweet:

@RobFordFactsCA 3m
@leeeee34 @r4v4g3dsku11s Rob's pretty cheap so no point trying to get him to man up. Know anything valuable? Some mags pay for excl. stories

I can't look away.

Whatever. She is collateral damage. I feel sorry for her. Attention seeking or not, this doesn't end well and she didn't need His Lardship using her for giggles and courier duties.
This isn't addressed to you, Animatronic, you're the just the latest one to use this phrase and it reminded me of some earlier feelings I had: I think part of my problem with what Ford has helped turn us all into can be seen in the way we here in this thread consider whether or not somebody is "fair game". It's as if, by default, we're at-the-ready to mock, make fun of, and criticize any peripheral figure in this whole Ford fiasco as soon as they do or say something that we decide makes them fair game. It's an ugly state of mind that I blame partially on Ford and partially on all of us.

See, this kind of thinking plays right into Ford's hand. He loves division. He loves seeing the City ripped apart into those who support him and those who don't. Having a dust-up between supporters and protestors at the park is great for him. It plays right into the narrative he has created in his head. To him, the city is not a single entity that can be brought together or torn apart - it's just turf. It's real estate to be won or lost. Ford Nation is his football team and the Gravy Train is their opponent. Team Gravy Train of course covers everything Ford Nation stands against, no matter what the actual topic. Toronto is nothing more than the gridiron upon which his Ford Nation vs Gravy Train perpetual Super Bowl is played. He doesn't care about the city because he sees half of its inhabitants as the enemy. We all lose if we simply agree to line up on the other side of the ball and try to "win" in the same way he does. We need to change our way of thinking. Or at least I think I do.

On the other hand, if anyone wants to give me some free hamburgers, I will be happy to chuck this whole notion and carry whatever sign you hand me. :)

my strategy would be to infiltrate, enable and capture on video. if i were in town i'd have an eight ball and some rocks on me looking to party with rofo.
Whatever. She is collateral damage. I feel sorry for her. Attention seeking or not, this doesn't end well and she didn't need His Lardship using her for giggles and courier duties.

Not sure why you felt the need to preface your reply with "whatever," but I agree with you.
These people are truly hopeless and helpless. I just don't think they have the reasoning skills to understand how things work. Not one of them even knew what the population of Toronto was. I asked a few simple questions about Toronto, that the average person should know but not a single one of them knew simple things like who was the first mayor of the Megga-City or who was the last mayor of Scarborough, North York or Etobicoke. Nobody could name the 5 cities/boroughs that used to make up Metropolitan Toronto. (before amalgamation) Not one person I spoke to could answer any question I asked them, yet they said they now more about Toronto than I did. lol People kept saying things like "you don't know what you're talking about " or "You don't understand how Toronto is". Almost all these people were not born in Toronto, yet they are telling me I don't know what's really happening in my own city.

If you point out they're wrong, you are in for a fight. I'm lucky I didn't get my ass kicked because a few times I felt things might go that way. Thank god the police were close by.

This is just some of the stupid shit I had people tell me, at Ford Fest.

Another thing I learned is that NOBODY at Ford Fest wants to debate on camera or even be filmed. I had more people ask me not to film them, than I have at the last 50 events I've filmed put together. Nobody would allow me to film our debates, probably because they said some really stupid things. This whole experience just left me feeling sick. The way people were screaming and cheering for him, as if he was Brad Pitt, just turned my stomach.

It was quite an eye-opening but disheartening, experience. It makes me nervous about the coming election.

I will be making a video of the event and I'll post it here, when I can stomach editing it.

I just watched City news of the event and it was obvious the type of rabble the Fords attract.

What made it worse was City said "thousands and thousands of people came out for support with a few dozen protesters".

I've always considered CITY TV news garbage, along with CP24, it's infotainment not news, this shows their true stripes.

Based on the video I saw on a few other sites, photo's from the Star of the event I'd sum up Ford nation by saying "a poignant example of what happens when you quit highschool in grade 9".
after watching the sign destruction youtube video, and reading torontovibe's account, i'm speechless and unsettled.
Is there any way to campaign to reverse amalgamation? Because if Scarborough and Etobicoke want Ford as mayor, that's fine. But why should the rest of Toronto have to be saddled with him?

Also, assuming the worst and Ford somehow manages to win would he even be able to get his agenda passed? Because I'm assuming that few, if any, councillors would be voting with
him on any issue.
after watching the sign destruction youtube video, and reading torontovibe's account, i'm speechless and unsettled.

What is the most unsettling thing, imo, is that as has been stated by numerous people, a lot of the people there aren't from Toronto :/ They traveled to the city for a free burger and a chance to meet him. Wow.
I just watched City news of the event and it was obvious the type of rabble the Fords attract.

What made it worse was City said "thousands and thousands of people came out for support with a few dozen protesters".

I've always considered CITY TV news garbage, along with CP24, it's infotainment not news, this shows their true stripes.

Based on the video I saw on a few other sites, photo's from the Star of the event I'd sum up Ford nation by saying "a poignant example of what happens when you quit highschool in grade 9".

Seriously, does anyone have an idea of approximately how many people showed up at FordFest? Was it "thousands" or was it "hundreds"?
What is the most unsettling thing, imo, is that as has been stated by numerous people, a lot of the people there aren't from Toronto :/ They traveled to the city for a free burger and a chance to meet him. Wow.

Sad and telling, maybe. But in the grand scheme of things, very good. Those people can't vote.
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