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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Well, I guess he is helping the City of Toronto economy out like he always does. Guess who else is based in Vaughan?


Shurely, such an event will attract many respectable and legitimate business people. Community-minded builders of hospitals and such. Of course, the substantial contributions of those civic-minded Vaughn-ites (The Vaughnish? Vaughnonians?) are well-documented in Ford's Elxn Contribution list from 2010. Surprisingly high, IIRC. One supposes the question many would ask is, "Why are you going to 'The City Above Toronto' for money? How do the interests of Vaughn align with those of the city below Vaughn, the one you wish to be re-elected to lead? Oh, and one more thing, what the heck interests do these contributors have in the matters of Toronto?".

Mind you, and let's be clear, as Trolly above pointed out, it's all Perfectly Above Board. He's Not Doing Anything Wrong.
Largely from Vaughan. I hope someone's taking notes on who's there, it'll be an interesting list, I'd bet.

Well a lot of Italian construction bosses and developers live in woodbridge.
He got quite a bit from east as well in Oshawa and pickering which is old stock white people who fled Toronto in the mid 80s and 90s
Lets all remember that the Most Important Thing BY FAR is making sure Ford is not re-elected in October.

Rob getting arrested would be fantastic, just, (and incredibly cathartic), but it's ultimately not the point.

The point is defeating him, and making sure him and his asshole brother never darken the door of the Mayoralty again.

Let him live the rest of his life a free man, let him drink himself to death in some basement in Etobicoke, let him "get away with it", I don't even care at this point.

I just want to guarantee he is a one term mayor--full stop. I want to guarantee that he has to GO AWAY.

And whether he is charged or not--the city is going to have a fight on it's hands to make sure that happens.

Deepend: You could not have described your thoughts better...I feel that a single strong ELECTABLE Mayoral candidate should go up against
RF and his "attack machine" and that a weak field of candidates splitting votes could get RF re-elected...

The latest from Costa Rica:

Pedro Marques ‏@MetroManTO 36 mins
I know it doesn't look good but remember I reported days before it became known that there would be political meddling. Voilá.
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And they still had to campaign for funds after the election. ;);)

I'm thinking the part of the pie will be something like 2 in 5 for GTA contributions after the drop in contributions in Toronto.
They have the Freak Show Factor going for them and lots of people will show up for the selfies. Should be interesting to see if any business type people show up, I'm betting that most of the money has dried up for Rob, unless you count bubblehead sales.
And they still had to campaign for funds after the election. ;);)

I'm thinking the part of the pie will be something like 2 in 5 for GTA contributions after the drop in contributions in Toronto.

Anyone going out there to film all the participants?
One supposes the question many would ask is, "Why are you going to 'The City Above Toronto' for money? How do the interests of Vaughn align with those of the city below Vaughn, the one you wish to be re-elected to lead? Oh, and one more thing, what the heck interests do these contributors have in the matters of Toronto?".

Also how do Ford supporters think a compulsive liar that cannot build consensus will help them? After 2010 Ford had a few early "wins", but has done very close to nothing since then. He's also completely failed to address the LTT, <i>and</i> he's responsible for a large part of the recent tax hike...

Specific concerns of communities like Vaughan have about Toronto are often related to issues like potential road tolls, or petrol taxes used to support transit. Loads of people drive into Toronto everyday to earn their living, and retreat to their bedroom communities at night. The funny thing is that opposing transit funding actually makes life worse for these people. There are also (as mentioned earlier) people who just dislike Toronto, and/or dislike people they think are "lefties", and want to watch them squirm. I have an uncle who is voting for Ford simply because it's upsetting to "left wingers".
On a lighter note:




LMAO... Not sure anyone here plays Civ... but that's hilarious. I just recently got BNW too :D
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