135 Fenelon Drive
135 Fenelon, Toronto, by Beaux Properties, Kirkor Architects
  7 renderings
North building looking south at 135 Fenelon, designed by Kirkor Architects for Beaux Properties
Application to amend the Zoning By-law to permit two infill mid-rise apartment buildings that are 10 and 4 storeys in height. The 10 storey residential building (north building) would consist of 148 rental units. The 4 storey mixed-use building (south building) would consist of 61 rental units and a retail component. The existing 19 storey apartment building consisting of 218 rental units will be retained.

Address 135 Fenelon Drive, Toronto, Ontario
Category Residential (Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail)
Status Pre-Construction
Number of Buildings 2
Height 159 ft / 48.40 m
Storeys 4, 10
Number of Units 61, 148

Buildings Discussion
Views: 3.7K  |  Replies: 6  |  Last Post: May 27, 2019

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