Like many of our members, shutterbug and UrbanToronto Forum contributor DavidCapizzano has been photographically framing vignettes of the city to capture their visual delights, and then posting them in our "Post your photos of Toronto here" thread. Last summer we went with a full week of Daily Photos by David, and we're doing it again this summer.

While the colour and texture of bricks (well, mostly bricks) was what stood our in yesterday's Daily Photo, today it's the play of sun and shade within The Well's canopy-sheltered retail galleria. The multi-storey shopping space is characterized by its mix of bright and dark areas, providing both expansive open space and more intimate corridors to create a variety of moods, and it's all capped by the steel lattice of the canopy, and knitted together by the network of shadows cast when the sun is overhead.

image by UrbanToronto Forum contributor DavidCapizzano

What makes this photo though? That red jacket. You should all go out and get a red jacket to wear on occasions, if you don't have one. (Brought to you by the Council for the Promotion of Red Jackets?) Make somebody's photo.

Want to see your work featured as Daily Photo? You can post in the City Photos & Videos section of the UrbanToronto Forum, or submit your images to our UrbanToronto Flickr Pool for your chance to be featured on our Front Page. 

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UrbanToronto has a research service, UrbanToronto Pro, that provides comprehensive data on construction projects in the Greater Toronto Area—from proposal through to completion. We also offer Instant Reports, downloadable snapshots based on location, and a daily subscription newsletter, New Development Insider, that tracks projects from initial application.