In response to feedback from the City of Toronto staff and locals, W Group | WNL Builders has resubmitted plans for 1 Glen Watford Drive at the northeast corner of Glen Watford Drive and Sheppard Avenue East in Scarborough's Agincourt area. Designed by ZO1, this revised proposal refines the tower by slightly reducing the overall unit count while bumping the height to 35 storeys and drastically reducing vehicular parking. It is located near the Agincourt GO station and couls benefit from a possible Sheppard Subway Extension.

Looking northeast to 1 Glen Watford Drive, designed by ZO1 for W Group | WNL Builders

Currently, the site encompasses an area of 3,536m² and serves as a two-storey commercial plaza with a parking lot. It is enveloped by a mix of retail and commercial plazas, along with a recreation centre and an arena, industrial uses, and low-rise residential.

Looking northeast to the current site, image retrieved from Google Maps

The initial Zoning By-law Amendment application from 2021, proposed a 33-storey tower reaching a height of 109m, comprising 385 residential units. Feedback from City staff expressed concerns regarding the project's height and density relative to adjacent developments on Glen Watford Drive. In the current resubmission, the design now features a 35-storey standing 117.23m, although the number of units has been slightly reduced to 372. This adjustment reflects recent proposals close to the GO station that have sought greater height following the establishment of Major Transit Station Areas within which the provincial government encourages increased density.

Previous design by Z Square Group for Welland Developments

The revised 1 Glen Watford proposal is designed with a six-storey podium and a total Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 28,648m². Residential GFA would be 27,557m², along with 1,091m² of retail at grade, eschewing the live-work units in the previous proposal, and both numbers increased from the previously proposed 26,015m² and 817m² respectively. The Floor Space Index (FSI) has been adjusted from 7.59 to 8.1.

There would be 832m² of indoor and 769m² of outdoor amenities. The design allocates four elevators, for a ratio of approximately one elevator for every 93 units, indicating reasonable wait times for residents.

Ground floor plan, designed by Z Square Group for W Group | WNL Builders

The development would offer a total of 175 parking spaces spread across three levels of underground garage, just over half of the previously proposed 340 spaces that called for four levels. The revised total includes 142 resident, 22 visitor, and 11 retail parking spaces. There would be 255 long-term and 32 short-term spaces bicycle spaces, a slight decrease from the previous total of 299.

Site plan, designed by Z Square Group for W Group | WNL Builders

The decrease in vehicular parking reflects the area’s transit accessibility, with the GO station just a short bus ride or a 13-minute walk away. Bus routes along Sheppard Avenue East link to Don Mills subway station. Looking ahead, a potential Sheppard Subway Extension recently underwent community consultations as Metrolinx evolves multiple concepts being reviewed that could extend the TTC’s Line 4 subway service deeper into Scarborough. Meanwhile, a new station on the Scarborough extension of Danfoirth Line 2 is under construction at Sheppard Avenue and McCowan Road, just 1.3 km from the site.

An aerial view of the site and surrounding area, image from submission to City of Toronto

Other proposals are nearby. To the east Dragon Centre Condominiums at 23 Glen Watford Drive are planned as dual 28-storey towers, while near Brimley Road, a proposal at 4415 Sheppard Avenue East calls for 11 storeys. To the north, EC Manor at 25 Glen Watford Drive is proposed at 11 storeys. To the west, closer to Agincourt GO station, 4181 Sheppard Avenue East would feature a trio of towers at 12, 34, and 39 storeys, and 4151 Sheppard Avenue East is proposed at 46 storeys. Additionally, the extensive Agincourt Mall Redevelopment west of the GO station calls for 12 buildings ranging from 7 to 43 storeys and a total of 4,372 residential units.

UrbanToronto will continue to follow progress on this development, but in the meantime, you can learn more about it from our Database file, linked below. If you'd like, you can join in on the conversation in the associated Project Forum thread or leave a comment in the space provided on this page.

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