Core Development Group is proposing to demolish and redevelop a single storey building that has hosted an auto service centre and a coffee shop at 929 Queen Street East in Toronto's Leslieville neighbourhood with a 9-storey mostly residential rental building with commercial space at grade facing Queen. For this, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications have been made to the City. 

929 Queen Street East, Toronto, Google Street ViewLooking south to 929 Queen Street East, image retrieved from Google Street View

Designed by Architecture Unfolded, the proposal includes 68 apartment dwellings in an atypical mix of layouts for Toronto; while no two-bedroom suites are proposed, there are 26 studios (38%), 1 one-bedroom (1%), 20 three-bedrooms (28%0, and 21 four-bedrooms (32%) in the mix. Indoor amenities are planned on a mezzanine level plus the ninth level, adjacent to an outdoor rooftop amenity terrace with seating and dining space. 

929 Queen East, Toronto, designed by Architecture Unfolded for Core Development GroupLooking southeast to 929 Queen East, designed by Architecture Unfolded for Core Development Group

Sited mid-block between Morse Street and Carlaw Avenue, the proposal is sandwiched between listed heritage buildings at 923 Queen Street East — a two-and-a-half storey building in an Edwardian Classical style — to the west, and 935 Queen Street East — a one and a half storey building with a Victorian storefront design — to the east of it. Heritage specialists ERA Architects therefore suggested that the new building present a low-rise, fine-grained street-wall along Queen, which would be complementary to Queen Street's local character.

Vehicle access to servicing and parking would be from the existing laneway south of the site, running from Carlaw Avenue to Morse Street. Parking would be underground, with 18 spaces, 11 for residents, and 7 for visitors. Nine of the spaces would have electric vehicle charging stations. 78 bicycle parking spaces would be available, 70 for residents and 8 for visitors. 

929 Queen East, Toronto, designed by Architecture Unfolded for Core Development GroupBasement plan of 929 Queen East, designed by Architecture Unfolded for Core Development Group

The site is served by the 501 Queen streetcar and the 503 Kingston Road streetcar, while half a block to the east, buses ply Carlaw Avenue heading to Pape station. Around 2030, Riverside/Leslieville station on the Ontario Line 3 subway is targeted for opening just a few blocks to the west. 

UrbanToronto will continue to follow progress on this development, but in the meantime, you can learn more about it from our Database file, linked below. If you'd like, you can join in on the conversation in the associated Project Forum thread or leave a comment in the space provided on this page.

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