An October, 2018-submitted proposal to the City of Toronto seeking Zoning By-law amendments and Site Plan Approval has resurfaced with revised plans for a three-storey townhome block at 241 Finch Avenue East, a block and a half west of Bayview in North York. The resubmission details updates to the proposal, designed by TAES Architect for developer Fortune 8 Real Estate Inc. The site can be seen at centre of the image below, identifiable through the beige driveway.

Site of the proposal, image via submission to City of Toronto

Revisions include that the proposed townhome block has been re-oriented to match the existing townhome blocks to the west, along with a reduction in unit count from nine to eight units, and minor changes to the massing including an added step-back on one of the townhomes in order to meet the 35 degree angular plane required from the south property line as required by the Finch Avenue Secondary Plan that covers the project site.

Looking southwest to 241 Finch East, image via submission to City of Toronto

A pedestrian mews now runs along the east property line, while the driveway has been relocated to run along the west property line. A visitor parking space has been added at the south end of the site, complementing the 16 spaces for residents (two per unit).

Driveway at 241 Finch East, image via submission to City of Toronto

Architectural plans describe the materials that will define the exterior. The building base is proposed to be clad in smooth stone finishes, while the upper two levels would feature brick finishes, with smaller sections of stucco. The traditional architecture aesthetic is a departure from the modern design proposed in 2018. While no renderings are available for the previous design, older diagrams reveal that it featured a more contemporary massing and finishes that included wood paneling.

241 Finch East, image via submission to City of Toronto

You can learn more by visiting the project's Database file, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum thread or leave a comment in the field below.

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Related Companies:  STUDIO tla, TAES Architect Inc.