UrbanToronto's entire Database contains over 1,600 projects linked to over 4,000 different companies. The Company Database consists of a wide range of businesses, including everything from manufacturers of building materials to architects and developers, and everything in between. UrbanToronto is the largest development and construction site in Canada, with 200,000+ unique visitors per month. Companies listed in our Company Database are positioned to net a wide reach of views within the construction and development communities and beyond. Now, we're offering an Enhanced Premium Membership to our Company Database that provides even more features for businesses, including enhanced visibility in the community, greater presence across the scope of the UrbanToronto site and other important perks.

Companies signed up to our Company Database Premium Membership will receive an individual company page complete with logo, bio, contact information, and other links to their websites and social media profiles—a valuable boost for a company's Google rankings and search engine optimization. Companies will also be tagged in all relevant UrbanToronto articles and project pages across the site.

A diagram of a full Company Database Premium Membership listing, below, provides a glimpse into what's offered. This company listing diagram shows the placement of a company's:

1. Name and stats

2. Logo

3. Bio

4. Contact info

5. List of projects

6. Premium members tagged in stories

At $499 per year, joining the UrbanToronto Company Database is a cost-effective way to promote your company to decision-makers, bring public attention to your company, promote your company's branding and generate new leads. More information on the Premium Company Database listings can be found on our Company Listings page.

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UrbanToronto has a new way you can track projects through the planning process on a daily basis. Sign up for a free trial of our New Development Insider here.