Earlier this summer, we took a detailed look at the construction of Quadrangle-designed additions to KingSett Capital's 1977-built LuCliff Place complex at 700 Bay, just east of Hospital Row in Downtown Toronto. In the weeks since our tour through the ongoing work inside the additions - both to the side and on top of the existing 25-storey complex, forming has begun to fill in the gap between the 6-storey addition atop the existing tower's roof, and the new 32-storey western addition. It replaces a demolished two-storey section of the complex's podium.

700 Bay, KingSett Capital, LuCliff Place, Quadrangle, TorontoLooking southeast to 700 Bay, image by Forum contributor Red Mars

The eastern third of the 6-storey rooftop overbuild has been topped out for a few months now, and with the 32-storey western addition now rising above the existing tower's old roofline, the two additions are in the process of being connected by the forming of the first of the new levels. The two additions will be fully joined over the coming months.

700 Bay, KingSett Capital, LuCliff Place, Quadrangle, TorontoConnecting the additions at 700 Bay, image by Forum contributor steveve

Work on the rooftop overbuild needed to be done in phases due to space limitations on the roof. A crane mounted atop the roof constructed the eastern portion of the overbuild, followed by a pause until the crane forming the western addition was high enough to assist in forming of the rest of the overbuild. Once complete, these upper levels will house a mix of suites and amenity spaces for residents of both the new and existing buildings.

700 Bay, KingSett Capital, LuCliff Place, Quadrangle, TorontoConnecting the additions at 700 Bay, image by Forum contributor Red Mars

Cladding installation of the western addition reached up to the 10th floor at the time of our late June tour, and has since risen another 8 levels to cover more than half of the tower. The finish being applied here is a window wall framed in black aluminum between matte white and silver aluminum panels.

700 Bay, KingSett Capital, LuCliff Place, Quadrangle, TorontoLooking east to 700 Bay, image by Forum contributor Red Mars

The complex's existing 1977 section is also to be re-clad as part of the project, with a modern style to complement the cladding being used for the additions, and to improve energy performance. This will reduce the complex's carbon footprint, along with other energy efficiency measures including a new tie-in to Downtown Toronto's Enwave deep lake cooling/steam heating network that will move the complex towards a targeted LEED Platinum certification.

700 Bay, KingSett Capital, LuCliff Place, Quadrangle, Toronto700 Bay, image courtesy of KingSett Capital

Additional information and images can be found in our database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum thread, or leave a comment in the field provided at the bottom of this page.

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Related Companies:  Aercoustics Engineering Ltd, BDP Quadrangle, BGO, Egis, Entuitive, Ferris + Associates Inc., Grounded Engineering Inc., LRI Engineering Inc., Snaile Inc., State Window Corporation