The City of Toronto has received a proposal for the redevelopment of 101 Yorkville Avenue. The site currently contains a 1978 3.5 storey modernist commercial building, well known for its large setback from Yorkville Avenue and multi-level architecture—including street-facing retail ether half a flight above or below the sidewalk. The building is home to current tenants including Over The Rainbow, Village Ink and Summer’s Ice Cream.

101 Yorkville currently, from Google Street View

Designed by Neuf Architects for First Capital Realty and Greybrook Realty Partners, the proposal called “The Mews” replaces the existing building with 3 new buildings with contemporary features, and an accessible pedestrian walkway leading to a courtyard at the south end. From there the mews will access a mid-block pedestrian connection to Cumberland Street.

Looking south to 101 Yorkville Avenue, image via Neuf Architects

The new buildings contain 4,507m² of retail space and 587m² of outdoor multi-level terrace spaces. The east building is 4 storeys in height, with terraces on the 3rd and 4th floors. A pedestrian bridge connects to the 3-storey east building, also featuring a 3rd floor terrace. Separating the two buildings is the central pedestrian mews. The courtyard contains cafe seating, custom benches, planters and trees, hosting small public events and featuring public art. Facing the courtyard will be the 2-storey south building, proposed to contain additional retail and cafe spaces.

Looking southwest to 101 Yorkville Avenue, image via Neuf Architects

The proposed building's street level mainly presents a glazing, with retail frontage along Yorkville Avenue and the pedestrian mews. The 2nd floors and 3rd floor balconies are clad in a charcoal and lighter gray stone, intended to have the forms to appear as 'two rocks floating above Yorkville Avenue'. Behind them the third fourth floors return to a 'milky' and reflective glass facade, referred to as 'the lantern' atop the taller east building. The terraces on each building contain additional benches, landscaped area and planters. No parking is proposed for this site, with hopes that surrounding garages can handle the demand. Below grade, however, 27 bicycle storage spaces for retail tenant use are proposed.

Aerial view of 101 Yorkville Avenue, image via Neuf Architects

With the east building setback from Yorkville Avenue averaging just over 5 metres and the west building setback averaging 3 metres, the design expands the site’s open space and walkway system—enhancing one of the more 'celebrated urban design attributes of Yorkville.' Landscape design by PFS Studio introduces custom angular benches with integrated planters in the forecourt, as well as a mature tree providing shade in the summer months.

Central courtyard and pedestrian mews at 101 Yorkville Avenue, image via Neuf Architects

We will return with updates as further details of the 101 Yorkville plans emerge. In the meantime, you can learn more about the project and see several additional renderings by visiting the dataBase file linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum thread, or leave a comment in the space provided at the bottom of this page.

Related Companies:  Bousfields, First Capital, Greybrook Realty Partners, NEUF architect(e)s, Quest Window Systems, RJC Engineers