This week, our 'Explainer' goes global and delves into the terms the Blue and Golden Bananas of Europe. Similar to Canada's very own 'Golden Horseshoe', these terms identify areas of commonality that play a significant role in the economy of European countries. So, exactly what are these coloured bananas? Our sister site, SkyriseCities, has the answer:
The Blue Banana, image via Wikimedia Commons
It might not be immediately visible on a satellite image, but look at a population density map of Europe and there's a clear pattern: a network of conurbations from North West England to Northern Italy forms a distinct banana shape, an urban spatial phenomenon that is popularly referred to as the 'Blue Banana.' This European Megalopolis of approximately 111 million people stretches across the United Kingdom and Western Europe, roughly from Manchester to Milan, and includes some of Europe's largest cities, such as London, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt.
You can find the rest of the story on our sister site,