In few other cities would six years ago seem like distant history. Toronto's vertical growth spurt has been getting a whole lot of attention lately, and we are no exception, with features like Throwback Thursday highlighting the immense changes our city has experienced since the onset of the 21st century. It has only been a day since our last edition of Throwback Thursday was published, but we thought it would be nice to give our readers a bit of a pre-weekend encore. Flickr contributor gvfx recently posted an interesting photo pairing in the UrbanToronto Flickr Pool, comparing the 2008 south facing view from the Panorama Lounge atop the Manulife Centre with the same from 2014.
Comparison of the Toronto skyline between 2008 and 2014, image by Flickr contributor gvfx
Much has happened in just six years, and the images above speak for themselves. It is fairly easy to lose count when trying to pick out all of the new structures in the lower photo. While we will probably always keep the obvious landmarks like the CN Tower, how long will it be before kids won't recognize the cityscape of 2008 as the predecessor of our current one?