Waterfront Toronto's next major addition to the city has a new name, all thanks to a campaign in association with The Grid called "Name That Park". The campaign, which launched a month ago, sought subimissions from the public to rename the Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates-designed Don River Park. Over 450 names were put forward and 1500 votes were cast. Yesterday the winning name of Corktown Common was announced. The winning name was submitted by Tedd Konya, who said in his submission that the name was to "Honour the neighbourhood that was broken up with the highway ramps, and is coming back to life thanks to redevelopment projects like the park."

Pavilion at Corktown Common, image by Craig White

This 18-acre park running along the Don River from King Street southwards to the rail corridor now occupies the entire lower-east portion of Corktown, and has turned this post-industrial site into a green landmark for this community. The new moniker of the park isn't quite written in stone yet; City Council still needs to approve the name change in June. If the approval goes through as expected, the official renaming of the park will take place when the park officially opens in mid-summer. Here are a couple pictures of the park from late summer last year.

Greenery at Corktown Common, image by Craig White

Want to know more about Corktown Common? Check out the dataBase page below! Choose the related Forum thread if you would like to get in on the discussion, or leave a comment in the space provided on ths page.

“…honour the neighborhood that was broken up with the highway ramps and is now coming back to life thanks to redevelopment projects like the park.” “…honour the neighborhood that was broken up with the highway ramps and is now coming back to life thanks to redevelopment projects like the park.” “…honour the neighborhood that was broken up with the highway ramps and is now coming back to life thanks to redevelopment projects like the park.”