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Weapons in Space and Oil for Food



A couple interesting news items from today...

Seems that the "missile defense" system is going to be used for the weaponisation of space after all... Good thing we didn't join that program; looks like the NDP and the Canadian public was right after all.
"The U.S. Air Force is seeking President Bush's approval of a national security directive that could move the United States closer to fielding offensive and defensive space weapons, the New York Times reported Tuesday, citing White House and Air Force officials."

British MP George Galloway testified in front of a US senate committee yesterday to defend himself against false allegations of being involved in the Oil for Food Program in Iraq. He completely turned things around and challenged them face to face with their lies and incompetence. The full video is quite something to see, if you don't want to watch the whole 47 minutes, just watch his opening statement (starts at about 6:00).
British MP George Galloway testified in front of a US senate committee yesterday to defend himself against false allegations of being involved in the Oil for Food Program in Iraq. He completely turned things around and challenged them face to face with their lies and incompetence. The full video is quite something to see, if you don't want to watch the whole 47 minutes, just watch his opening statement (starts at about 6:00).
Great TV. I enjoyed every moment of it!
Seems that the "missile defense" system is going to be used for the weaponisation of space after all...

Oh - surprise! Duh.

As if a 6-year-old can't figure out the ulterior motives of the Bush administration...
The full video is quite something to see, if you don't want to watch the whole 47 minutes, just watch his opening statement

Noooo! Not Real Player! >:

Oh well. I read Galloway's statement; it's terrific. He's an amazing guy.

Thanks for the links, hans.
From the Financial Times...

“Russia would consider using force if necessary to respond if the US put a combat weapon into space, according to a senior Russian official. According to a New York Times report yesterday, the Bush administration was moving towards implementing a new space policy that would move the US closer to placing offensive and defensive weapons in space. Russia, China and many US allies oppose any weaponisation of space, partly out of concerns that it would lead to an extremely expensive post-cold war arms race. Vladimir Yermakov, senior counsellor at the Russian embassy in Washington, on Tuesday told a conference on space militarisation that Russia was working through diplomatic channels to urge the US not to move towards fielding weapons in space. But he said Russia would have to react, possibly with force, if the US successfully put a "combat weapon" in space. In an interview yesterday, Mr Yermakov emphasised that Russia's priority was to solve the problem diplomatically. Russia has voluntarily declared that it will not be the first country to place weapons in space in an effort to encourage the US to move away from space weaponisation.â€
Frankly, I'm baffled as to where the push for space weaponisation is coming from in the US. Is it just that the Pentagon has to justify its bloated budget, or is it the defense contractors goading on the Republicans? And Canada worries about million dollar kickback schemes...... Missile defense is essentially a trillion dollar kickback scheme for the GOP that may or may not yield any discernible benefit, and is really more likely to destabilise the current geopolitical situation.

I don't think the US could afford another Cold War, this time with China.
Most of the current "weapons in space" effort is directed towards "assured access to space". ie suppressing other nations anti-satellite technologies.

I've heard that there is a program for "Son of Dyna-soar", but there isn't too much released on it at the moment.

