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News   Sep 26, 2024
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News   Sep 26, 2024
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We need to integrate Durham more into the GTA!

I don't mean to sound age-ist or anything but baby boomers are one messed up bunch as a collective (which you shouldn't label them as lest they think you're calling them all commies). Unfortunately, our generation is lazy as all hell but at least we have better ideas on how the world should work and knowledge of how it actually does.

I had to laugh at this. Every generation in history has been convinced that they know more than their idiotic predecessors about how to run the world. Case in point is the boomer generation themselves, who thought exactly the same way when they were younger (and still do, no doubt).
Durham is sort of the odd man out of the 905. If you discount Hamilton, it's the only part of the 905 that has a large, pre-war industrial working class city at its core. It is also a very linear region, and moving people around has always been less of a concern because every city was on the 401, the all-day Lakeshore east line and the decent Hwy 2 bus service. The intra-city public transit systems in Durham are deplorable, though, and I wouldn't be surprised if Durham has the highest automobile mode share of any of the 905 regions.

Finally, Durham always struck me as both whiter and more working class than the other 905 regions which are ethnically diverse and geared to the white collar/professional classes. Demographically and developmentally, Durham always reminded me of some Northeastern American suburban area, like Jersey.

It was a no brainer to bring the GO out there for sure, I think that it was even easier then the West. Oshawa has been absorbing the black families of Scarborough like Brampton. You get your money and then you buy a dirt cheap house in Whitby or Newcastle.
Hahaaa...glad to have helped.

I DID qualify my comments by stating that this place was driving me mental. Maybe I was just thinking about when we're all sitting around a bonfire at 530 am on a summer morning, coming down off psilocybin zooms and know exactly what to do with everything that's wrong with the world.
Well, yes, I do care because as things are is a bloody joke. I don't blame our friends over here for buying houses here for the reasons they did, but there's something seriously messed up with previous generations if our cities look like this joke that is Durham and people are forced to SETTLE for it.

Sorry if I'm going off a bit but how suburbia ever became acceptable to human beings with hearts and souls and rational minds is so beyond me I feel like I'm learning about mathematical proofs again in grade 12 advanced geometry class.

I've been doing a project on Toronto's growth, and I think it has mostly to do with people taking urbanity for granted. With the growth after WWII it was the first time people could live in an urban area without smelling their neighbour. Throw in the idea that owning a car would be as common as owning a toaster, and the stage was set. Of course, we don't know what we've got until its gone and we are realizing that being within walking distance of.retail, offices, parks, facilities, and even factories was actually pretty good.

As for Durham, the fact that the big driver for its economy is General Motors, it has reduced the opportunities for a pro pedestrian environment. Well, at least until GM makes buses again.
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As for Durham, the fact that the big driver for its economy is General Motors, it has reduced the opportunities for a pro pedestrian environment. Well, at least until GM makes buses again.

...or they go bankrupt.

I think there's quite a bit of a disconnect between North Durham, West Durham, and East Durham.

Pickering-Ajax and Whitby-Oshawa are two seperate beasts as far as I can tell having lived here on and off for 12 years now (12 years longer than anyone should, mind :p ).

One worse than the other though. Pickering-Ajax are a lot more Toronto-centric than a lot of people think in my opinion. A lot of people think Oshawa has huge sway. To a lot of my peers here in Pickering, Oshawa is as far away as Hamilton to be honest....and a butt of just as many jokes regarding its industrial griminess. In fact, we often have joke debates on which is worse. For the record, I stand up for Hamilton every time. :)
...or they go bankrupt.

I think there's quite a bit of a disconnect between North Durham, West Durham, and East Durham.

Pickering-Ajax and Whitby-Oshawa are two seperate beasts as far as I can tell having lived here on and off for 12 years now (12 years longer than anyone should, mind :p ).

One worse than the other though. Pickering-Ajax are a lot more Toronto-centric than a lot of people think in my opinion. A lot of people think Oshawa has huge sway. To a lot of my peers here in Pickering, Oshawa is as far away as Hamilton to be honest....and a butt of just as many jokes regarding its industrial griminess. In fact, we often have joke debates on which is worse. For the record, I stand up for Hamilton every time. :)

I thought Oshawa was pretty Toronto centric as well to be honest.
