Toronto Two Hundred The Beach | 24.08m | 6s | The Riedel Group | Richard Ziegler

It's a shame that Pemberton's regrettable buildings on the south side left 5 consecutive blocks of dead streetscape and wasted opportunity though.

I was just thinking that from the pic above. It's a killjoy for the area. I'm all for intensification but not if it looks like that! I'm not a design person, so what went wrong with the Pemberton block?
^ As mentioned on previous page, disallowing restaurants in these buildings is a major factor as it deprives the possibility for what is the most engaging and interactive form of retail usage. On a design standpoint, having repetitively uniformed green framing and precast pillars creates a monotonous streetscape of entrepreneurial bleakness. It hinders the potential for creative branding and distinctive storefronts. Trendy retailers require spaces that are homey and stimulating.

Design by Richard Zeigler - there are architectural drawings in the link

This corner will be a good "example" spot for city planning documents on midrise avenues once done.. Midrises on 3 of the 4 corners.
the rendering seems to be missing the wooden hydro poles laden with transformers and a billion wires going all over the place
the rendering seems to be missing the wooden hydro poles laden with transformers and a billion wires going all over the place

LOL... If I had a dollar everytime someone posted ...
