New Member
Heck, even locally, Brampton has overhead charging stations at the terminals for the 23/26 now, with plans to expand the footprint when the time comes. I'm sure there are other parts of the country under CUTRIC/CIB that are also doing similar projects with overhead charging stations either at the terminals, along the route, or both.Greensburg, Louisville and Nashville have overhead charging stations at terminals, on the street or both. No different to what is found in Europe, other than they are lager compared to Europe. Doing it this way leaves the bus on the route for 24hr that only takes 10 minutes or less to charge or top off a bus as needed. Most terminals have more than one with some having them at all bays.
To me, having them at terminal is a must.
IIRC the overhead pantographs can charge the bus to full in 7-10 minutes. I don't remember the exact figure but it was around something similar, unless this figure was supposed to be for the newer pantographs by Siemens and not ABB.
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