Developer: TAS, Woodbourne Canada Management, Inc.
Address: 2 Tecumseth St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 438 ft / 133.50 mStoreys: 40 storeys
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Toronto The Yards | 133.5m | 40s | TAS | Giannone Petricone

i was at the public consULTion for the new 10 ordnance park last night ans one of the park designersmentioned this site was leased back to the city for 10 years. i dont know if this is acuuate, or how to even confirm but figured i would share. i guesss it will be a while before we seee any work starton thid project unfortunately.
The Stackt shipping container market moves west??
no, the imprrssion i got qA IT Qa not the STACKT markwt but more the land where th salt is stored. (this city loves its salt after all) i think they intend to continue using the lsnd for salat storage. again, i could be mistaken
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i was at the public consULTion for the new 10 ordnance park last night ans one of the park designersmentioned this site was leased back to the city for 10 years. i dont know if this is acuuate, or how to even confirm but figured i would share. i guesss it will be a while before we seee any work starton thid project unfortunately.

This might be related to the adjacent City of Toronto Snow maintenance yard. Years ago (8+) , I heard that the city planned to vacate and sell it off in the long term. They needed like ~10years of use on the site, then it could be put up for sale. I wonder if the developer bought this land and is leasing it back to the city until they vacate it.

This might be related to the adjacent City of Toronto Snow maintenance yard. Years ago (8+) , I heard that the city planned to vacate and sell it off in the long term. They needed like ~10years of use on the site, then it could be put up for sale. I wonder if the developer bought this land and is leasing it back to the city until they vacate it.

They have not and do not have any plans to.

SPA Resubmission for Phase 1 & 2 with the following changes:
  • Building A has increased from 33 to 40-storeys, height has increased from 113.11 to 132.8m
  • Building B remains 12-storeys, height increased slightly from 41.85 to 42.5m
  • Building C remains 32-storeys, height decreased slightly from 110.4 to 108.61m
  • Total residential units has increased from 1054 to 1217, condominium tenure has been dropped, this is now contemplated solely as market-rate rentals
  • Total vehicular parking increased from 418 to 444 (incl. 40 spaces allocated for use by future phase)
  • Total bicycle parking increased from 1308 to 1315
  • Office portion dropped from phases 1 & 2 (Building D is still contemplated as office + retail, but not in scope of this SPA)
Updated renderings:






Axo Perspectives:
PLN - Architectural Plans - Arch Plans (4 of 9)_2 Tecumseth St_30-Apr-2024-2.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - Arch Plans (4 of 9)_2 Tecumseth St_30-Apr-2024-3.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - Arch Plans (4 of 9)_2 Tecumseth St_30-Apr-2024-4.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - Arch Plans (4 of 9)_2 Tecumseth St_30-Apr-2024-5.jpg
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Really pleased to see this shift to 100% rental (assuming we're moving ahead).

There is some use of colour still, which is nice, not sure about the colour of the lowrise brick.
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