Architect: Wallman Architects
Address: 89 Church St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 495 ft / 151.00 mStoreys: 47 storeys
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Toronto The Saint | 151m | 47s | Minto Group | Wallman

Quality build, and probably something I would’ve been thrilled about a decade ago. However at this point I’m just over glass and panels. It’s played out and in moderation it’s a nice juxtaposition to older buildings but would it kill to get some solid materials and colour?

Let’s get stone and brick back on the menu please.
Quality build, and probably something I would’ve been thrilled about a decade ago. However at this point I’m just over glass and panels. It’s played out and in moderation it’s a nice juxtaposition to older buildings but would it kill to get some solid materials and colour?

Let’s get stone and brick back on the menu please.
Totally agree. Even "well-executed" glass-boxes à la architectsAlliance that use sleek curtain wall with minimal cheap grey spandrel are, by this point, rather tired and passé. This city is begging for warm, reddish earth tones that are an antidote to infinite greyness.
