Toronto The One | 308.6m | 85s | Tridel | Foster + Partners

The brown slats hiding the facade above the retained historic facade, are lazy and don't show much imagination. I think they hide the swimming pool behind, but could have had better tteatment. I suppose the heritage facade will shine in comparison.
The swimming pool is on the rooftop of the podium. The louvres are a typical Foster semi-industrial design and will work well with the finishes of the tower, not really supposed to relate to the heritage building. Those levels contain event spaces and back of the house functions for the hotel.
There's something going on with the super-columns now. Potentially tapering off to a thinner overall size?

Also, the floors have the angle cuts for the next level. You can see they've built a sort of box to make into the shape required.

I don’t think the super columns are shrinking just yet. The angled boxes/frames are for the diagonal beams/walls of the mechanical floors. Here are the schematic for the 17th and 18th floors. It looks like the 18th is just a continuation of the 17th and thus no floor plate (with corner slabs) is shown.

curious what the purpose of the beams are... they dont even look fully connected in the drawings, you have each floor plate acting to stiffen the structure in torsion so what would they be doing exactly? the corners cut in for look sand wind but this could be done with window wall / wall material and not concrete?
Hi all!
I noticed while walking by last night they've started installing mounting points for the cladding on the ground floor of some of the supercolumns.
Those particular columns, for the tower cladding design team, are called the Mega-columns. The area being worked on is the first install on the job. The cladding material is a beautiful champagne silver. Can't wait until they get them on there and peal the film off!

Also, the Mega-columns are uniform up the entire tower. Only the structure behind them changes depending if it's mechanical levels or not.
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