Just wanted to clarify heights so everything is accurate on this thread: Here, the heights on the database file are 41,41, and 22 storeys. On the Times Group website, it is 48, 41, and 22 storeys. Then, on May 14, 2018, Markham endorsed a height of 38, 42, and 22 storeys. The most accurate height I could find, from January 28, 2019, is a reduced height of 36, 36, and 19 storeys, which seems to be accurate as I counted 19 storeys on that short north building that has been topped out for a while now. 975 units is the new unit count. https://pub-markham.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=1384
Here is a great view on the current construction status via Life Construction's camera on the site, from today. Seems like there is about 2 floors left before the southwest tower is topped off, minus mechanical penthouse.
Last update to floor numbers: Building A (Tallest Building) is 42 storeys, which should make it the tallest building in Markham (Not sure how tall Pavilia Towers actually is)
As well, this project has 411, 309, and 322 suites which all together totals to 1042.
The last level/mechanical penthouse seems to be forming on Building A.