Senior Member
Same as 2023. A mostly empty Gardiner East that is costing us most of our capital budget!
Most people that used those ramps are stuck in the logjam that is the Jarvis exit that isn't in this photo and the next exit is Bayview almost 6km away. Plus, schools are still out and a lot of people are still on holidays as my 20 min commute this morning would show, typically 30-35min.I too continue to be amazed that a highway is empty when you demolish the ramp that half of the cars using it normally use!
I apologize, but it is really frustrating to keep having these comments on traffic levels from a photo. It'd be like me saying the Gardiner is always rammed and never moving and show only this snapshot of the road.
(Taken from the front page article this week)
Glad to see this finally moving forward though!!!