Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

From yesterday morning. Taller than its neighbours.




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1 Bloor by sunset yesterday evening:

Great shot. The sunlight reflecting off the curtainwall looks great, and it's reaching enough height now to really get the effect of the subtle, organic curves as they sweep up the tower. Already feeling a bit disappointed that it will be blocked from that view in the future!
Yeah, same here. Pretty sweet curves and sweeping movement as it climbs. And that glass in the sun! Hubba hubba. Very nice indeed.
Damn it would be sweet to have a suit there on the 70th floor or higher, but, as was already stated, living downtown, anywhere downtown, there's zero garuntee you'll always have the same view. Now that I'm finally finished all my chemo, radiation and other therapies, I have but one more surgery to go (long story, even longer surgery, about 6 hours, but for once non Cancer related, it's to repair my screwed up ileostomy). One I've got this last (hopefully) surgery over with and I'm back to work, my hubby and I are going condo shopping. Thanks to all of you, I've learned a great deal about possible problems to look for, and what features we should consider. I'm fully prepared to pay a little more for a higher view, but with so many almost super talls going up accross the city, it's the luck of the draw really. I will, of course, try to find a very well established area, with the lowest chance of any new tower blocking the view, but the reality is, that's the chance everyone must accept when buying a condo in Toronto, particularly, the downtown, midtown, or uptown area. I promise you one thing, should the worst happen, and our view is blocked, I won't bitch about it. And honestly, I'll never understand people who buy a condo, especially in an up and coming neighbourhood, but then try to sue the developer or owners when another condo is announced that will block their view. For now, I'm just a renter, and although it does bug me, when push comes to shove, meah, nothing I can do about it, if it's that bad, I can either move to a higher floor, or to another building until we're ready to buy. I'd die to afford a top floor suite in Aura, or One Bloor, or Icë, but after being on disability for so many years, and being forced to chew through every penny of our savings just to survive, we're starting from scratch....and that's terrific!!! At least I have that chance (a chance that, for many years, I never thought I'd have) and a new found respect and appreciation for life. Im sorry for being so off topic, but believe me, facing your own mortality so many times, and spending months, sometimes years, certain you are going to die young, truly changes your entire outlook on life. I've been given a other chance, and dammit, I'm making the most of it, I just pray the interest rates don't go through the roof before hand! :cool:
Damn it would be sweet to have a suit there on the 70th floor or higher, but, as was already stated, living downtown, anywhere downtown, there's zero garuntee you'll always have the same view. Now that I'm finally finished all my chemo, radiation and other therapies, I have but one more surgery to go (long story, even longer surgery, about 6 hours, but for once non Cancer related, it's to repair my screwed up ileostomy). One I've got this last (hopefully) surgery over with and I'm back to work, my hubby and I are going condo shopping. Thanks to all of you, I've learned a great deal about possible problems to look for, and what features we should consider. I'm fully prepared to pay a little more for a higher view, but with so many almost super talls going up accross the city, it's the luck of the draw really. I will, of course, try to find a very well established area, with the lowest chance of any new tower blocking the view, but the reality is, that's the chance everyone must accept when buying a condo in Toronto, particularly, the downtown, midtown, or uptown area. I promise you one thing, should the worst happen, and our view is blocked, I won't bitch about it. And honestly, I'll never understand people who buy a condo, especially in an up and coming neighbourhood, but then try to sue the developer or owners when another condo is announced that will block their view. For now, I'm just a renter, and although it does bug me, when push comes to shove, meah, nothing I can do about it, if it's that bad, I can either move to a higher floor, or to another building until we're ready to buy. I'd die to afford a top floor suite in Aura, or One Bloor, or Icë, but after being on disability for so many years, and being forced to chew through every penny of our savings just to survive, we're starting from scratch....and that's terrific!!! At least I have that chance (a chance that, for many years, I never thought I'd have) and a new found respect and appreciation for life. Im sorry for being so off topic, but believe me, facing your own mortality so many times, and spending months, sometimes years, certain you are going to die young, truly changes your entire outlook on life. I've been given a other chance, and dammit, I'm making the most of it, I just pray the interest rates don't go through the roof before hand! :cool:

I'm happy to know that you'll now get to see all those projects that you thought you'd never get to see completed :)
Our 300 degree view from River City is amazing of the City, but sometimes it's a bit much to take in with so much going on. It's exhausting sometimes just looking outside. But our view is the one saving grace here with this crapulence complex.
Calling all western facing residences of 1 Bloor East!! Please report to the Fox and Fiddle ASAP for free pitchers of beer and hugs.


Taken after The Meeting.

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