Toronto NY Walk | 13.8m | 3s | Menkes | RN Design


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This is a small townhouse project - the type that usually don't make it onto UrbanToronto,... but here, I'll add it since the evolution of this project, movement of on-site parkland and potential for surrounding infrastructures issues (multi-use trails connector, strategic access to Don Valley and Yonge-401 interchange reconfiguration) are interesting.

This 1940 aerial image shows part of semi-circular Yonge Blvd Viaduct (bridge now part of Hoggs Hollow (4) Bridges & host westbound hwy 401 express) intersecting at Yonge St (at current Highway 401). Notice: shadow of bridge on valley floor, Forest Lawn Mausoleum along Yonge St (since 1911); 1940 is before MacDonald-Cartier Freeway (1952) and widening to collector-express system mid-1960s of today's Hwy 401. And notice already healthy allee of blue spruce tree from Yonge St to the Monastery on valley ridge


Notice there's an east-west allee of Blue Spruce Trees - about 100 years old from Yonge St to the Monastery/Retirement home for retired nuns - 2 lots here, western lot will eventually become St.Edwards Catholic School; eastern lot is 57 Linelle St.

Dec 2005 GoogleEarth image shows set of double allee along northern side of 57 Linelle St:

Aug 2007 Google Earth image show southern row of trees missing at 57 Linelle St:

Oct 2012 Google Earth image shows norther row of trees eliminated as well at 57 Linelle St - this 100 year old allee of Blue Spruce trees were illegally chopped down in preparation for this development proposal. (Notice: Site to west shows St.Edwards Catholic School under construction):

After many complaints from local residents about the illegal cut down of the allee of blue spruce tree - local Councillor Filion and City Staff planted a row of cedars within City Right-Of-Way boulevard property that would block gated driveway to 57 Linelle - cutting off their direct driveway; they have indirect route via Mausoleum property (which is their owner)
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Development History:

This 57 Linelle St property belongs to adjacent Forest Lawn Mausoleum; Mattamy Homes came in as development partner around 2015

Site was farm with Apple Orchard, in late 1980's elderly couple still lived in the large bungalow on site.

"In 1992, the former City of North York City Council approved Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to re-designate the lands at 57 Linelle Street from Residential Density 1 (RD1) to Cemetery (CEM), and to re-zone the lands from RM4 to CEM-1(1) in order to permit a mausoleum use on the subject property. A subsequent application for Site Plan Approval to facilitate the mausoleum use was also completed in 1992. The mausoleum was never constructed and the Site Plan approval for this use has now lapsed."

"Two pre-application consultation meetings were noted on file. Planning staff met with the landowner on June 8, 2011 to discuss the possibility to re-designate the south portion of the lands to residential condominium. Planning staff advised that there are major issues for the proposal as there are land challenges such as access, grading shadow and compatibility with the existing neighbourhood as well as Ravine and Natural Heritage System and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority constraints."

"A subsequent pre-application meeting was held on May 23, 2012 that presented a low density residential neighbourhood proposal, similar to the original proposal for 23 townhouses, a pair of semi-detached dwellings and one single family detached dwelling, and this proposal was presented at a community consultation meeting on April 8, 2013, held by the ward Councillor prior to the development application submission to the City. "

Development site is triangular lot marked as "CEM-1(1)"

Original proposal 2012:
- 25 townhouses
- park on west side near School
- only easement for storm water pipe in northeast - where I requested trail access

"Additional community consultation meetings were held on September 30, 2013 and February 12, 2014 facilitated by the ward Councillor, attended by the applicant and City staff to facilitate community input and discuss the revised proposals."

March 2013:
- 23 townhouses, 1 set of semi-detached and 1 detached house
- smaller park on west side near School - many locals on Linelle requested fence with gate between School and this development and gate be locked before and after school on school days - didn't want driver dropping off kids on Linelle St

*** 57LinelleSt_Mar2013
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Over the next few years (2014-2018) - local City Councillor Filion and City Transportation Services Staff initiated various iteration of Yonge-401 interchange improvement studies and a local resident shared some ideas with them and hosted on-site tours that also included City Planning, Transportation Services and MTO staff.

- Southbound Yonge to Eastbound 401 Fly-UNDER
--- countering City's $50 million southbound Yonge to eastbound 401 Flyover ramp (3 levels high and 600m long closing all lanes of Hwy 401 in various stages for construction) with much cheaper southbound Yonge to eastbound 401 Fly-UNDER ramp that'll utilize a separate grade Hwy 401 crossing MTO service road at lower deck level of Hoggs Hollow Bridge

- Yonge-401 ByPass Multi-Use Trail Network
--- purple line for multi-use trail, red line is multi-use trail through lower deck of Hwy 401 Hoggs Hollow Bridge (upper deck host highway traffic; lower truss deck has catwalk and dirt service roads)

- Yonge-401 Double BasketWeave Crossover Interchange Solution
--- could incorporate part of the above Yonge-401 ByPass Multi-Use Trail - City Transportation Services staff mainly interested in the separate grade crossing of 401 close to Yonge St - since Yonge St underpass at Hwy 401 does lack space for standard cycling infrastructure.


--- Yonge-401 Double BasketWeave Crossover interchange creates a free flowing interchange eliminating the stop and go traffic, increasing traffic capacity significantly

Both of the above Yonge-401 interchange solutions would require some reconfiguration of on-ramps in this northwest quadrant that may require some land from this site
- MTO has a 50' setback rule for all properties adjacent to MTO highways - in case if MTO must expropriate property for future highway upgrades; this development proposal can't have houses/buildings 50' from property line adjacent to MTO property.

On-site parkland along east-side would benefit a future Multi-Use Trail accessing the separate grade crossing of Hwy 401.
- just 180m west of Yonge,... there's already a safe separate-grade crossing of Highway 401 (as indicated in eastern north-south red-line closest to Yonge St); it's really an under-utilized MTO dirt service road where valley ridge meets Hogg Hollow bridges - This is what it actually looks like from north side of 401 looking south,.... at lower deck level,... about 30 feet high and 25 feet wide with hill side that can be dug out for 50 feet width before hitting bridge structure in hillside:
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November 2018 - 23 townhouses
- started to include larger on-site parkland at southeast corner
- more setback from highway 401 interchange - MTO requires 50ft setback from MTO highway property incase of future interchange reconfiguration

July 2019 - Owner/Developer and City settlement/agreement at OMB/LPAT
- increase number of townhouses to 34 and pack them to west
- more height & density in exchange for bigger on-site parkland of entire east side of Linelle St extension
- eliminated western dead end turning bulb roadway near school fence/gate

September 2nd, 2020 - Menkes Urban Towns Inc acquired the Site from Linelle Development Limited (Forest Lawn Mausoleum and Mattamy Homes)
December 18, 2020 - Development Applications officially submitted to City Planning - Menkes has taken over the project




Source: Architectural Design of development file

- they got demolition permit last Fall
- main issue now is water pressure on Linelle St is insufficient, physically easier to hook up with nearby Yonge St pipes but due to all the high-density redevelopment along Yonge St really no excess capacity there so they have to hook up with about 1km of new underground pipes connecting to Sheppard Ave West

On-site park east of extended Linelle St:
- gives good topographical access to the MTO service road that forms separate grade crossing of Hwy 401 at lower deck level of Hoggs Hollow Bridge near valley ridge - City Transportation Services is interested in this route as separate grade crossing of Hwy 401 near Yonge St for cycling infrastructure especially with TransformYonge being approved directly north - issue here is MTO not allowing City permission to use this MTO dirt service road for multi-use trail
- allows strategic access to valley bottom which is currently hosting Don Valley Golf Course - but City currently has Study to consider converting City Golf Courses back to regular parkland!
- allows access to Stuart Green Belt at valley bottom
- park-space gives visitors to adjacent Forest Lawn Mausoleum a space to enjoy.
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The new park will have a 1.5m high berm along south eastern edge - likely to minimize visuals of the MTO construction trailer/parking/staging area directly southeast and to minimize noise from adjacent Highway 401 - other portion will have retaining wall,.. but I don't believe they'll be those tall noise barrier wall


source: development application -
Current Linelle Park design proposal - which will likely be changed because CityStaff didn't read an interdepartmental memo,...
Development History:

This 57 Linelle St property belongs to adjacent Forest Lawn Mausoleum; Mattamy Homes came in as development partner around 2015

Site was farm with Apple Orchard, in late 1980's elderly couple still lived in the large bungalow on site.

I'm curious about the history of this site. I see from the Staff Report that in 1992, it was rezoned for expansion of the Forest Lawn Mausoleum (an expansion that never happened). But that doesn't answer when Forest Lawn purchased the land, or from who.

This "farm with apple orchard" isn't there in the earliest aerial shots you posted above, which shows the convent to the west already in place. At some point, the bungalow was built off of the convent's driveway. I'm assuming that the convent moved their access from Yonge Street to Botham Road when the 401 was built, and perhaps the land was parceled off at that time? To the residents of the home that still lived there in the 1980's, I presume?

That home (the large bungalow) was not demolished until sometime between July 2020 and 2021, according to aerial photography. Do we know if it was still being used as a residence between 1992 and 2020? Or was Forest Lawn / Mattamy just letting it lay abandoned? Or were they using it for other purposes? For how long? Just curious, in case you happen to know.
@debest ,... you want history,....

This 1878 map shows this section from belonging to "J.Stewarts" (under #14):

This 1915 map show "C.Gordon" now owns 20acres of land here - from Yonge to Stuart Greenbelt, where his farm house is on valley ridge - which is expanded and becomes Convenent then demolished for current St.Edwards Catholic School.

- the Allee of Blue Spruce Trees to C.Gordon Farmhouse is NOT on this map, but an established allee appears later in the 1940 aerial photo in the my first post
- only the northern Mausoleum building built in 1911 is shown
- this 1915 map shows existing road with solid lines and proposed roads in short-dashed lines - including new subdivision southwest of Yonge and Sheppard and also northeast of Bathurst and Wilson Ave
- From the intersection of Yonge St and Shepherd Ave / Humberstone Ave (Now Sheppard Ave West and East),.. there's a proposed super wide diagonal "Broadway Boulevard" to Bayview and near Old Colony Road,... this would have acted as a By-Pass Road for Toronto City-Slickers trying to by-pass busy Yonge Street on their way out of the City,... this Broadway Boulevard bypass was never built,...
--- instead the Province paid $1m to build Yonge Boulevard Bridge in 1929 which created an alternative ByPass up Avenue Road to Wilson Ave with Yonge Boulevard Bridge over narrowest part of West Don Valley here to connect to Yonge St (Highway 11) just south of the Mausoleum - this is why Avenue Road is called Highway 11A ("A" for Alternative) - which we can see in this 1947 map

--- This 1929 "Yonge Boulevard Bridge" hosted Westbound traffic of MacDonald Cartier Freeway in 1952 when it was joined by another Double Truss bridge directly south to host Eastbound Traffic,.... in the mid-1960's these bridges host the Westbound and Eastbound Express Lanes of Highway 401 (about 10 years ago, they were refurbished to share a common deck) as new Girdle Bridges were added for Westbound and Eastbound Collector lanes of Highway 401 Hoggs Hollow Bridge.

- This 1950 aerial photo still shows the lone Farmhouse on the ridge of Stuart Greenbelt - notice the apple orchard starting to take shape

- This 1953 aerial photo shows the Farmhouse joined by new building structures to the north
- This 1956 aerial photo shows the Farmhouse and new building to the north joined by yet another new building further north and another one to the east under construction

Thus, let's assume during this early-mid-1950s period was when the Farmhouse was converted to Convenent

Shortly thereafter,.... this 1957 aerial photo shows a fence splitting off the eastern half towards Yonge St - this eastern half now appears dryer compared to the western half - it's likely been sold off and awaiting redevelopment!

Also notice:
- Mausoleum land has cemetery behind the Mausoleum - as per their original plan of two mausoleum buildings on Yonge with large gate in between to large cemetery extending all the way to valley to the west (like York Cemetery further up Yonge which used to front Yonge St!) - after 1915 subdivision, they still kept small parcel of land which became cemetery
- the Mausoleum buildings front the old Yonge Street perfectly,... but with MacDonald-Cartier Freeway completed in 1952, Yonge St shifted eastward at this interchange to allow for Four-Leaf-Clover Interchange design,... with the two western jug-handle loops being extra small (likely below highway design standards) as they're contrained by nearby Don Valley West.

1960 aerial photo shows new Linelle St behind Mausoleum with semi-detached bungalows under construction along with large bungalow at 57 Linelle under construction. Coincidence???

This 1961 aerial photo shows large bungalow at 57 Linelle and semi-detached bungalows along new Linelle St completed

The couple at 57 Linelle had a German last name starting with "W" or "D",... when they passed away around 1990, I'm told they gifted their land to the Mausoleum,... local resident say one of the conditions was that part of the land be used as Park for neighbourhood kids (who used it as a park anyways) - but there was no documentation to back this up - we couldn't find any when this townhouse proposal first came up about 10 years ago.

In 1992, the Mausoleum re-zoned it for Mausoleum/Cemetery usage,... but never proceeded. Later explored Condo towers, but City objected so they settled for townhouses,... Since the Mausoleum got the large bungalow at 57 Linelle, they've been using it as Office Space until they sold the land and project to Menkes a few years ago,... these images show the 57 Linelle in October 2020 - when Menkes got demolition permit approved,... windows boarded up,.. and when I saw front door open, I thought that's weird,.. it's time to go!

@debest ,... you want history,....
Good lord! This is an incredible bit of research you've done for some random question from a first-time poster.

While I didn't expect anything like this amount of detailed info, I appreciate it immensely. I love these deep dives into how a property can morph from one use to the next as the city grows around it, and am especially fascinated when they go through a prolonged period of abandonment. Or, in this case, just repurposed for non-ideal use (such as offices in a lovely old brick home). Thank you very much!
Where did you see the starting price ?
They called me as well but provided me zero information. Just told me to watch out for an email in a few weeks.

Is it still freehold ? Do you know when construction will be completed ?

$1000 a sq ft is insane in this market.... better to wait on the sidelines and hope someone capitulates over the next 18 months.
