Toronto GO Transit: Davenport Diamond Grade Separation | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

^With the bridge no longer having to bear the same load, it's likely still economically life-extendable for another 50 years. A new span would cost a fair bit.

I would leave it alone, love it or hate it.

- Paul
Don't tell me that they decided to keep this bridge with the centre support because of very, very heavy mass of the bicycles and people that would end up on top of the bridge?


Personally, I would replace it with something lighter without the centre support.

Join Us for a Live Community Conversation​

Learn about the environmental benefits of plants, and pollinators, and how they support wildlife in the Greenway and surrounding communities. Panel of project team experts will cover how yards, gardens, and other community spaces can positively contribute to neighborhood habitat and sustainability, as well as practical home gardening tips.
Please note this is not a project update meeting, which will occur later in the spring of 2022.

Our virtual platform will allow you to vote on the questions you’d most like answered, and the order our experts take them in will be based on popularity (total votes). We encourage you to submit and vote on questions now. You may also submit questions during the meeting.

If you cannot attend, the video recording will be available on this page after the event.
Don't tell me that they decided to keep this bridge with the centre support because of very, very heavy mass of the bicycles and people that would end up on top of the bridge?
I'm pretty sure they decided to keep it because it is already there and cheap to keep. But, some day it will reach end of life and a sleek replacement is almost guaranteed.
For the love of God, is there actually one thing that these graffitti people cant tag?

Unfortunately I think these pillars are going to be filled with them when all is said and done.
For the love of God, is there actually one thing that these graffitti people cant tag?

Unfortunately I think these pillars are going to be filled with them when all is said and done.
Anything that is one of the 50 shades of Toronto grey could end up as a target.
April 14
Some update shots of the Lansdowne bridge over Bloor. Still have to fix the south sidewalk and most likely be rebuilt wider after track 1 bridge in place 2023. Same will happen to the north side.

Looks like the westbound lane will have higher clarence that the eastbound lane under the new bridges,







You can stop it as long as you cover them with these

View attachment 393280
You got to be joking??? Have you seen how high taggers have got to, to do their tagging?? This area sees a lot of foot traffic to stop taggers, but the rail corridor is wide open to be not seen.

The top of the barrier and the beams will be tag in not time if ML put them up along with the lower section.

If you catch them, they pay the full cost to clean their tag, huge fine and 500 hours on community service that requires their hands to get dirty and sore.
