Toronto Cielo Condos | 120.5m | 34s | Collecdev-Markee | KPMB


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May 28, 2007
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Just found this on the Levitt Goodman Website



"A variety of amenity spaces are located through out the building and offer the residents a wide choice of living spaces that will augment the basic layout of the typical SRO unit. The church will be converted into rental offices and community spaces. The design will be LEED Gold and incorporates such strategies as green roofs, daylighting, heat recovery, water conservation, storm water reclamation and energy efficient HVAC."

Forgive me if a thread already exists for this.
More information from Levitt Goodman's website:

Times Square North is a innovative housing proposal based on a model developed by Common Ground Community based in New York City. The current site under review is at the corner of Bloor Street and Huron Avenue and incorporates the existing, historically designated church. There will be 350 units of Single Room Occupancy units comprised of a mix of both public and private rental units. A percentage of the not for profit units are targeted for special needs residents.


On Bloor Street United's website, they list a 'Redevelopment' committee amongst their programs, but the chair is vacant currently, while Levitt Goodman have this project listed on their website as a 'Housing Study': it all seems that this may be rather academic at this point.

its very interesting but a rather poor choice of names. If they were going to copy the name of a New York district, I think there are several that would communicate the vibe of this project much more accurately. "Lennox Hill" perhaps...
I don't know if there is a more pertinent thread for this information, but Adam Vaughan has just sent an e-mail announcing a meeting to discuss plans for a 38-storey development here:

Dear Residents,

I'm writing to invite you to join me and City Planning staff to hear about plans for a 38-storey mixed use building at 300 Bloor St W, the site of the Bloor Street United Church (Bloor and Huron). The proposal includes a point tower with an office at the base, with the church remaining on the site.

Date: Wednesday, April 18
Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Location: Royal St George's College, Ketchum Hall, 120 Howland Ave

Please contact Rebecca of my office at 416-392-4044 or with any questions. A meeting about another project, west of the Annex, will be held in the same room earlier in the evening, so they may be wrapping up when you arrive.

I hope to see you there.


Thanks for the heads up. I'm intrigued in seeing what's in store for this site and how the church will be integrated. At 38s this is not going to go well with the community, should be an interesting meeting.
Right in my hood. And yes of course some locals will show up pissed off and try to pick a shouting match. Maybe I'll have to show up to this one and try to balance it out a bit.
It's mostly mid-rise around there if memory serves, 38s is kind of pushing it, especially in the Annex where people are oh-so-sensitive about change like this and can organize quicker than you can snap your finger. I'm thrilled that Bloor Street United is safe.
Totally disagree that this is tge right area for thus kind of height. Midrise of 8-12 max in this area. No need to over power the church or the street, and not for religious reasons either. Go voice your opinions for height, but keep in mind that density doesn't only come in the form of point towers and tall buildings.

I understand that the United Church of Canada is planning to move its national headquarters into the complex. I don't know how many office personnel that would be.

Also, FWIW, the U of T is going to develop the UTS/COE site directly across Bloor St, on the south side. UTS has been warned to seek a new location for the school.
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This must be valuable real estate. The bahaii centre, Tartu college and the Block between Madison and spadina all look Like they coud benefit from decent redevelopment proposals.
This would seem the logical next step for a project as the development on Bloor continues to stretch westwards - it will be interesting to see how or if developers begin to try and work on the 3-storey historic retail+apartment buildings that line Bloor between Spadina and Bathurst. It's also nice to see a commitment to building public and private rental units as well as spaces for special needs tenants at the onset of the project, even if it is still in an 'academic' stage of planning.
it will be interesting to see how or if developers begin to try and work on the 3-storey historic retail+apartment buildings that line Bloor between Spadina and Bathurst.

Part of the charm of that section is its low-rise nature -- redevelopment in this area would have to be very carefully done so as to not radically change the character of the area.
