Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

It looks like the glass for the street-level canopy has arrived on-site. Once that's done, it seems like there isn't a whole lot left to do on exterior of the Yonge St podium.

I'm curious to see what winds up happening at the southeast corner (Yonge and Gerrard), second floor - in the renderings, there was a window there, but the corner was bricked up months ago and is now covered in the beige-coloured panels that run in a stripe around the building. There are also square metal mountings poking through the panels, suggesting that something is going in there on top.
I must now sheepishly announce that the temporary wall has gone back up (a bit nicer looking now), so the staircase to next door is once again concealed. You'll be able to spot the fairly conspicuous blank wall, though, if you're passing through there - right next to the bedding shop.

Temporary wall next to douvet shop is now down again. Yesterday evening 2 security guards were sittingthere and stopping anybody from going further. Guards estimate that the passageway will be opening in about 10 days.
Pic taken Oct 3, 2012


Security guard was just around the corner.
Passed by last night, the lights were on for all of the 2nd floor, and man was it bright. More BB&B signage is up, now there is a matching sign on the south wall which makes the one on the east wall look a little less clumsy. Still very anticlimactic having BB&B as the corner signage of the tallest building north of the CBD. It's only a matter of time before people start referring to it as the Bed Bath and Beyond building. Too many B's for me
Passed by last night, the lights were on for all of the 2nd floor, and man was it bright. More BB&B signage is up, now there is a matching sign on the south wall which makes the one on the east wall look a little less clumsy. Still very anticlimactic having BB&B as the corner signage of the tallest building north of the CBD. It's only a matter of time before people start referring to it as the Bed Bath and Beyond building. Too many B's for me

If the typical customer is similar to their US stores in big cities, we'll soon be calling it Bed Boys and Beyond here too.
I've been to BBBs before and never found them to be that spectacular in terms of design etc... but they do have great merchandise (for the price point). Their organic sheets are amazing!
I've been to BBBs before and never found them to be that spectacular in terms of design etc... but they do have great merchandise (for the price point). Their organic sheets are amazing!

Organic sheets??? News flash, absorbed by the Martha Stewart network! :)
I have been to several BBBs; HBC's Home Outfitters is essentially a carbon copy, though they don't have a store downtown.
