Address: 292 Dundas St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Community Centre, Place of Worship), Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 369 ft / 112.35 mStoreys: 32 storeys
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Toronto Artistry Condos | 112.35m | 32s | Tribute | Graziani + Corazza a large turd some irresponsible dog owner didn't pick up after is less noticeable from across the street than if was right next to you. >.<
Tried to get artsy with the reflection
View attachment 590626View attachment 590627

Paclo, you are a man of many talents, and a pretty good photog.........but no, you cannot 'save' Artistry one can..............and while capturing its reflection in the glass of AGO is technically good, you're just doubling the pain.

The only redeeming facet of that, is that the reflection appears to be crashing into the real version... There's a certain implicit condemnation there that I can get behind.
