Waterloo 475 - 485 King Street North | 88.51m | 28s | Drewlo Holdings | MKA


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Feb 1, 2021
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Taken from CTV Kitchener News:

"Another big plan for a big change to the Waterloo skyline is in focus.

Drewlo Holdings proposed to council Monday night that eight residential towers and two office buildings be built at the Inn of Waterloo property.

The developer hopes to redesign the land at 475 and 485 King Street North to allow them to build up to 28 storeys high.

The property currently contains a building and parking lot previously occupied by the Inn of Waterloo and is mainly surrounded by offices, industrial buildings, a high rise condo, and a city-owned park and trail.

"We're trying to intensify a really underutilized parcel here," said Pierre Chauvin of MHBC Planning. "We want to provide a broad range of mix of uses, where people cannot only live, they can work, and they can play.

"There's also going to be amenity spaces with a pool and other features for the various buildings as well as outdoor amenity space."

The buildings proposed by Drewlo Holdings would range in height from 16-28 storeys.

Redevelopment is planned to be completed in six phases, with the first three phases anticipated to be completed by 2027.

If approved, over 1,700 residential units would be created, which would include 96 townhomes, 12,000 square metres of office space, 4,000 square metres of commercial space, 2,500 vehicle parking spaces, as well as 1,100 bicycle parking spaces.

Waterloo city staff will prepare a report with recommendations for council to consider at a formal public meeting for a later date."

CTV Kitchener Press release: https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/8-resi...terloo-property-proposed-to-council-1.6243422
Screenshot of the development proposal:

Screen Shot 2023-01-24 at 8.39.29 PM.png

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Screen Shot 2023-01-24 at 8.45.09 PM.png

As I type these first words, I haven't even looked up the site as-is yet.............but I feel the overwhelming need to offer a quote from the venerable @ProjectEnd (not in reference to this project)


Wow is that awful. Who did they hire to design that? Oh wait, that's stated "Marsh Katsios" ............... I want to file a complaint with the applicable certification body forthwith.

I think another is in order for the faculty of architecture who graduated the clown that put this together.


Wow........I'm being mean tonight. But seriously, we've seen a spate of terrible proposals the last while and 2 from the K-W area today.

But seriously, that slogan, with that render: Innovation + Art + Science = Architecture.

Uhhh, assuming the building(s) when built doesn't fall down, I might give you the last one.........but 'art' or 'innovation' and that? You must be kidding.


Ok, I've looked at the existing site now.........small solace, the existing building is trash too. Nothing redeeming about the site as is, so this won't really make it worse, only bigger.


Aerial pic of lands:

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As I type these first words, I haven't even looked up the site as-is yet.............but I feel the overwhelming need to offer a quote from the venerable @ProjectEnd (not in reference to this project)


Wow is that awful. Who did they hire to design that? Oh wait, that's stated "Marsh Katsios" ............... I want to file a complaint with the applicable certification body forthwith.

I think another is in order for the faculty of architecture who graduated the clown that put this together.


Wow........I'm being mean tonight. But seriously, we've seen a spate of terrible proposals the last while and 2 from the K-W area today.

But seriously, that slogan, with that render: Innovation + Art + Science = Architecture.

Uhhh, assuming the building(s) when built don't fall down, I might give you the last one.........but 'art' or 'innovation' and that? You must be kidding.


Ok, I've looked at the existing site now.........small solace, the existing building is trash too. Nothing redeeming about the site as is, so this won't really make it worse, only bigger.

View attachment 452330

Aerial pic of lands:

View attachment 452331

Well at least something is happening to the site of the "Waterloo Inn"...honestly I don't even know if they are even operational in 2023?
It has a 70s & early 80s suburban apartment vibe to it, like those old apartment buildings in Don Mills.
After visiting the architect‘s website it makes sense. It‘s a London firm that has been practicing for almost 50 years and designs banal commercial and residential projects in the area. Im sure there is some connection between the architect and the developer.
Here are some projects featured on the architect‘s website (I’m not kidding!):


Beautiful, isn’t it?! 😳😆
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Ok..........I wasn't mean enough.............

Surface parking, above-grade parking, Tower-in-the Park in terms of relationship to nearby major roads, beyond mere aesthetics (or lack thereof) this is a throwback in the worst way. Refusal report straight up, they should have to pay their fees again just for insulting everyone w/this dreck.
It has a 70s & early 80s suburban apartment vibe to it, like those old apartment buildings in Don Mills.
After visiting the architect‘s website it makes sense. It‘s a London firm that has been practicing for almost 50 years and designs banal commercial and residential projects in the area. Im sure there is some connection between the architect and the developer.
Here are some projects featured on the architect‘s website (I’m not kidding!):
View attachment 452794 View attachment 452795View attachment 452798

View attachment 452796 View attachment 452797 View attachment 452802

Beautiful, isn’t it?! 😳😆
and here I thought I had time travelled to somewhere in the 80's US of A
looks like someone regurgitated a design from a 1980 catalogue of office buildings... 'put a few colour panels on it, no one will notice'.
