Toronto 361 Davenport Road | 30.1m | 7s | Bianca Pollak | Elastico SPA


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Apr 24, 2007
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Replaces this current empty patch along Davenport:

Attractive and appropriate, if a bit short.


Summary from Application Information Centre (link):

It was appealed to TLAB by the adjacent owner, Edward Roseman of 361 Davenport, as this proposal would block windows of those rental units. The TLAB threw out the appeal. Kind of an interesting read (filed under CA TLAB Material, July 26, 2018 under Supporting Documentation on the application portal).

Here are the plans:
Site Plan

Ground Floor:

Second Floor:

Third Floor:

Fourth Floor:

Roof Plan:

Smart little development scheme, especially for that purchase price!!

Total GFA of 900.9 m2 = 9,697.2 SF which is $224 / SF GFA. Reasonable considering fast, cheap construction method, minimal soft costs, no rezoning fees, a compressed schedule, etc.

Wonder why it isn't under construction right now?

EDIT: Added link to AIC
I gotta say I'm a little confused by the lack of garages for the parking given that is is covered already.. why not just throw up a garage door? costs almost nothing and provides much more value.
The appeal was also in regards to the rear access for the grocer on Dupont ( The Food Depot) as it relates to customers and deliveries, I remember it was quite contentious. The Adjacent apartment building owner is the one who initially severed the lot and sold the parking while keeping the apartment. It is almost laughable for him to bring up the window issue as he must have known whom ever bought his severed lot would redevelop it sooner or later, what did he expect a park?

P.S the city building application site states that the permits are either under review or issuance pending.
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I gotta say I'm a little confused by the lack of garages for the parking given that is is covered already.. why not just throw up a garage door? costs almost nothing and provides much more value.
Just a guess as I don't know the relevant provisions, but possibly open air in order to avoid having them counted as GFA (reduce application fees, quantum of GFA variance, etc.)
Just a guess as I don't know the relevant provisions, but possibly open air in order to avoid having them counted as GFA (reduce application fees, quantum of GFA variance, etc.)
That's actually probably a surprisingly likely reason. Thanks.
I disagree, depends which stretch of Davenport you're talkin about.
There are bits of attractiveness - a block on one side, a building on the other, and it does improve towards Avenue Rd. but overall it's mostly patched pavement, fading pseudo bike lanes, ugly hydro poles and a patchwork assortment of cheapo buildings from various decades . The overall effect is grim
Application has been increased to 7 storeys now:

Ward 11 - Tor & E.York District

Proposal for 7-storey mixed use building with 16 dwelling units and commercial (office) component fronting on Davenport Road.

They should assemble with the adjacent buildings. Those 1 story buildings are way out of place.

Looks like if they were to combine with the 1-storey buildings that go towards Dupont, then they may need to extend the assembly to at least where the Food Depot is. Especially as the laneway that runs from Davenport is primarily to service the grocery store.

Also found this listing for 361 Davenport which was (is) put on sale as a redevelopment opportunity for $3.8 million.

Curious if the new application for 7 storeys to to further raise its zoning value, or has a new owner already closed on the site and looking to increase the density.

