Toronto 357 King West | 148.13m | 42s | Great Gulf | BDP Quadrangle

Demolition activities for the 357 King Street West project sales pavilion are now underway. Scaffolding around the building is going up today.
With apologies for the badly framed picture - scaffolding is actually up on the Blue Jays Way side of the building - just visible on the left side of the photo


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While I'm no fan of the dull rectangular skyline of the Entertainment District, at least this building's black exterior will clash with the sea of blue glass.
Hopefully this is fast. I’m so sick of construction on this small stretch. First it was Bisha for several years, taking up sidewalk and even road space, then King Blue, now this one. Then there’ll be the Shoppers Drugmart and MEC. I live around the corner and have to go through here several times a day. It’s been a construction zone for the entire 6+ years that I’ve lived here. /rant



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I've worked on Peter for 7 years. While I love the contstruction, I have had to deal with nothing but construction after construction after construction with no end in sight. It's not all bad. Every day walking to and from work having to navigate around construction sites.

I don't mind though.
Hopefully this is fast. I’m so sick of construction on this small stretch. First it was Bisha for several years, taking up sidewalk and even road space, then King Blue, now this one. Then there’ll be the Shoppers Drugmart and MEC. I live around the corner and have to go through here several times a day. It’s been a construction zone for the entire 6+ years that I’ve lived here. /rant

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I lived on eglinton for 2 years and was so glad to get outta there. The construction was much worse because it wasn’t contained to the condos but also on the roadway. It was very unpleasant, with no end in sight. For the greater good, I guess.
This has got to be the tightest* construction site in the city.


*not based on a scientific survey, just a gut reaction—wow that's tight.

If it ends up being approved/built - 1 Scollard is going taller on a smaller site footprint
Museum House takes it for small site with deep excavation.

This will be more interesting than block buster podiums
