Toronto 357 King West | 148.13m | 42s | Great Gulf | BDP Quadrangle

I noticed that, too. A little vague with '2014'. That could mean Dec 31st, 2014 lol. There were just too many projects launches here back in 2012 and developers completely over-saturated the market. Things have slowed down in a good way. There are a few GG projects that I'd love to see get going, including Tux (...Monde being the other).
I rode past the sales centre and apparently there's a clothing outlet pop-up shop now? I didn't take a good look but I glimpsed lots of people inside.
I rode past the sales centre and apparently there's a clothing outlet pop-up shop now? I didn't take a good look but I glimpsed lots of people inside.

That pop up shop was associated with The pop up shop (Five) is there again occupying the building for another month or so.

Any new news on this project?
Looks like this project is back from the dead, bumped up to 42 storeys:

Ward 20 - Tor & E.York District

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Rezoning application to permit the redevelopment of the lands containing an existing approved mixed use building to permit a 42 Storey residential building containing 325 residential units with 1300m2 of ground floor retail. See previous zoning by-law amendment 10-192451 STE 20 OZ.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---

Type Number Date Submitted Status
Rezoning 16 231281 STE 20 OZ Sep 30, 2016 Under Review
Interesting - 1,300 m2 of ground floor retail would be approximately 14,000 square feet. I would think that the only way to have 14,000 square feet of retail, along with the entrance lobby / mail area / elevator lobby, building services and loading area, parking garage entrance, all at the ground level, would be if Great Gulf has finally been able to purchase the intervening building between the two pieces they already own, and complete the land assembly - all the area from Blue Jays Way on the east, and the M5V building to the west, north of the lane alongside Bisha.
That's exciting. I thought for sure this was dead. Hope the design remains similar, would definitely help add visual contrast to the neighbourhood.
Interesting - 1,300 m2 of ground floor retail would be approximately 14,000 square feet. I would think that the only way to have 14,000 square feet of retail, along with the entrance lobby / mail area / elevator lobby, building services and loading area, parking garage entrance, all at the ground level, would be if Great Gulf has finally been able to purchase the intervening building between the two pieces they already own, and complete the land assembly - all the area from Blue Jays Way on the east, and the M5V building to the west, north of the lane alongside Bisha.

Good guess but it's actually the City's website that's incorrect. The property remains the same, but the retail is not only on the ground floor. It's on ground and two.

Another local developer did recently purchase 367-369 King Street but I do not believe that's public yet...

Here's the marketing piece:
Another developer purchased 367 - 369 King? Strange that Great Gulf would let that get away from them once it became available on the market. I would have thought that the property would have much more value to Great Gulf in terms of being able to complete and unblock the site, than to another developer who would be locked into a minor property with little prospect for further development or enhancement in the short, or even longer term. With Great Gulf's deep pockets, the strategy of trying to out-wait them, until Great Gulf was willing to sell their pieces, seems a bit of a stretch...
To be clear, 357-363 King is already rezoned. The resubmission is to add a few meters to the top and change some of the internal configuration:

The new owner of 367-369 King does not plan (at least at this point) to go high rise there. There's also the small building at 365 King Street West which separates the two assemblies but is not part of either of them.
It is a rezoning application that they've submitted, not just a Committee of Adjustment application, and far more than just waiting for building permits.

Public meeting details from Cressy's latest newsletter:

Date: February 28, 2017
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Metro Hall, Room 308/309 (55 John St)

This is a proposal for a 42-storey building.
