Five months on............. the application follows:
City Planning COA Application Information Center
From the Docs:
Height is precisely in the range of precedents I noted above and should not be an issue here.
From a site-utilization perspective, I find the choice to place the height primarily on Finch, east of Pharmacy rather odd. I understand, in theory, the desire to have the religious building be prominent, but I'm not sure you couldn't enhance that wrapping midrise height around the building, and/or shifting it just a bit to the south, and having the podium of the Finch-fronting residential pulled back a bit to creating something of a grand public square entrance from the intersection.
I'm a bit underwhelmed. I'd like to hear from
@ProjectEnd but it certainly looks to me like they're leaving something on the table here.
I find the inclusion of surface parking to be something that must be revisited as it very much detracts from the plan.
The proposed mid-block POPs/access to Finch is fine, as far as it goes, indeed, its needed given how this area has been laid out; but I would like to see a clear path of pedestrian circulation extended to Pharmacy as well. An ROW has clearly been set aside which could add that way, but doesn't appear to be planned as such.