Toronto 2-6 The Donway East | 99.5m | 29s | Resident | BDP Quadrangle

Northern Light

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May 20, 2007
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As per the Lobbyist Registry, something is coming here:

This is a massive site as described, and may be larger still.


In looking at the footprint of the site, I do wonder if the apartment located east of the shaded area, at 6 Donway may also be part of this.

As it stands this site is 1.3ha; but it's more likely that it is the full 2 hectares (5 acres).

The full parcel (I believe) highlighted below:


Fronts the corner of Don Mills and the Donway and is comprised of 3-4 low/midrise apartment buildings.

Street level images from:



Lobbyist Registry Info:

Decision(s) or issue(s) to be lobbied

Zoning By-law amendment for site located at 2, 4 & Donway East, and 1053 Don Mills Road.


I'm being entirely speculative here (no inside info) but I think based on the current site organization, and heights, we're looking at complete demolition and redevelopment of one or more of the buildings.

Infill seems like it would be a squeeze here.
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Not my favourite developer.............

Do they own/manage significant amounts of purpose-built rental?

That would certainly be required here. (as replacement if nothing else)

Plaza are organized into different divisions (brands). Their main flagship is developing new condos of course. But the "Plaza Partners" component handles real estate holdings for asset management and/or prospecting future redevelopment opportunities.

From their portfolio page, they have a fair amount of older purpose-built rental that they've acquired through the years. Along with commercial properties that could be maintained for the current-term but eventually be sought out for furtue intensification.

I remember reading an article around a year ago when they picked up a couple of these properties, that they are getting the zoning in place first, and will assess whether they will carry out the redevelopment themselves or flip the property to another company.

Beautiful rendering certainly makes this parcel land better! I hope the plans don't deviate too much from its final hearing !
Looks like the dead standard BDPQ template to me.

Good density for an eventual OL extension I guess?
I don't believe the OL North extension will impact this project drastically. It is about a 15 minute walk to Science Centre Station or a 5 minute bus ride. Where as if the OL were to be extended the next stop after Don Mills would likely be at Don Mills and Lawerence which would be about a 7-8 minute walk. or 4 minute bus ride if the 25 is still in existence.

Marginal time savings if the folks at this development are headed to downtown. Also realistically a northern extension isn't likely going to be complete for at least for 15-17 years so not an important factor for the accredited investors who invested and are hoping for the 112% return (likely much more IMO) as projected or for the people who are going to move in or investors who purchase to flip.

Currently only 160 units.

Proposed - A total of 1,185 new residential units comprise 991 condominium and 194 rental tenure units, including 160 rental replacement units.

Comment - the new development is a staggering increase of over 7 x the existing level of units.

Question - Where is the completed traffic study for the increase in vehicles in a small area.

Note- The Traffic there is already problematic with morning drop offs and after-school pickups.

The excess level of vehicular traffic is especially concerning as it relates to the 2 schools located on Donway East (an elementary school and a high school).

There is no level of safety measures that can be put into effect that would be able to counteract the avalanche of cars on Donway East.

Parents, I fear for your children.

Stay safe.
Currently only 160 units.

Proposed - A total of 1,185 new residential units comprise 991 condominium and 194 rental tenure units, including 160 rental replacement units.

Comment - the new development is a staggering increase of over 7 x the existing level of units.

Question - Where is the completed traffic study for the increase in vehicles in a small area.

Note- The Traffic there is already problematic with morning drop offs and after-school pickups.

The excess level of vehicular traffic is especially concerning as it relates to the 2 schools located on Donway East (an elementary school and a high school).

There is no level of safety measures that can be put into effect that would be able to counteract the avalanche of cars on Donway East.

Parents, I fear for your children.

Stay safe.
The real concern is with high parking provision, not density per se. I would urge you to email the developer and local councillor and request less parking to be provided in this development.
