Toronto 1540 Bloor West | 91.9m | 27s | Trinity Group | Arcadis

A new render appeared in today's Globe and Mail. (Excuse the photo quality). Glad to see it hasn't changed too much.

Time to play "Spot The Differences" between new (left) and old (right).

A new render appeared in today's Globe and Mail. (Excuse the photo quality). Glad to see it hasn't changed too much.

Time to play "Spot The Differences" between new and old.

Fewer render people, for one. And the render people are shifty in the new photo, with the nun vacuuming the street in front of the power and that other woman checking to make sure her loot is in tact before she makes a clean get away. Although I'm not sure how she will get away since her ghost-car is no longer present.

But the major changes seem to be the podium, the element on the bottom-right corner, and the base (above the podium) appears to have shortened to 5-storeys from six.

Also, the roof element in the new one does not bring forward the angled-precast motif all the way to the top. I think this is a good change. But I'm still concerned about that nun.
^Actually, the new render/Globe ad is on the left. It is even funkier than the old render.:)

Well in that case, glad they cleaned up the render-hood and got rid of that those shady characters. But I still think the cleaner roof element on the [older] version better emphasizes the design of the tower. The newer version seems to carry the zig-and-zag precast design to the stepped-out near the top and includes the "hat". It gives the building a top-heavy sense, one that takes away from the mid section's engaging maze design. I'm fairly indifferent on the two podiums because, as with all podiums, the devil is in the details. We'll have to wait to see the quality of the materials to see how it turns out.
Either way, I'm gonna predict 50% of the buyers of this building will be Russians and Serbians. Either moving from the area's rental stock to this building, or buying to rent out to new comers from their home towns....

The rest will be a mix of Polish and other European folks.
Sounds like my kind of place. Actually, any place with any one in it from any where who wants to do anything they want in it is my kind of place.
Can a mod change the title of the thread from "1540 Bloor W." to "Giraffe Condominiums" ???

Thanks :)
'Giraffe', huh? After the sales office has closed and the building is occupied, some names stick and some don't. Despite some of the incredulity expressed over the choice of name for this project, if it gets built the way it has been rendered, I think this name will stick and area types will forever refer to it more or less affectionately as 'the Giraffe'. And why not? The design's articulations express a simplified geometric form of the animal, especially from that southeast corner, of the body, the neck, and a head turning to the left. Those golden-brown panels really help of course.

So, how far along in the approvals process is this one then now?

I guess if the building ever has ventilation problems, that'd be like the proverbial Giraffe with a sore throat
As I mentioned in the Giraffe real estate thread, I noticed (as of Sunday) interior of Joe Mercury's has been gutted...skids of trendy flooring materials inside, some of it has been installed, funky lighting, kitchen stuff etc. Appears to be targeting locals, imho a good thing.
