Toronto 1540 Bloor West | 91.9m | 27s | Trinity Group | Arcadis

That was actually going to be another retort saved in my ammo bunker. Even the designs from the 70's in the Soviet Union looked better than those buildings.

Though as per my point, the High Park towers constitute a more demographically "stable" reference point than Jameson, i.e. using Jameson adds an unnecessary (even if possibly unintended) class/culture-warfare undertone.

And if such is your judgment of the High Park towers (which IMO hold up well, even if they're far from what we'd attempt today), you don't sound the sort to be terribly sympathetic to this spirit.
Though as per my point, the High Park towers constitute a more demographically "stable" reference point than Jameson, i.e. using Jameson adds an unnecessary (even if possibly unintended) class/culture-warfare undertone.

And if such is your judgment of the High Park towers (which IMO hold up well, even if they're far from what we'd attempt today), you don't sound the sort to be terribly sympathetic to this spirit.

Sorry that was not my intent at all to compare the classes of communities at all. When I moved back to TO many years ago I lived on Jameson.I never saw it as a caste system.For 5 years I would volunteer on my days off at ST.Francis table. I apologize to UT and Automation Gallery if my words were over the top that was not my motive.

As for the tower renewal program great I hope it works, but I think that the lower buildings are easier to upgrade such as the feather factory lofts.
Going for mediation at the OMB on Tuesday. Is this where they make one last attempt at coming to an agreement before it goes to a formal trial? I'm quite obviously no lawyer, does anyone know?
OMB prehearing is on December 3.

This project is so controversial it isn't even funny anymore. A decision really need to be reached asap.
I think this will be good for the area.....good injection for the area, and the spin off will be surge in retails sales for locale shops. If you look further east at Lansdowne you can see that the area is stagnate. If you go further west you have Bloor West Village and there have been some injection of new shops over the years, and this has attracted more customers, hence an upswing in the appearance of the area. I can see that the Brownstone on Bloor and this project adding value to the area. More kids for local schools and more voters (tax payers) ...means more voices to be hear by city council. I have read many comments in this blog about the TTS station, and yes it’s an eye sore......I have never seen a Micky D's in a station before.......and I do hope they renovate it.
I have read many comments in this blog about the TTS station, and yes it’s an eye sore......I have never seen a Micky D's in a station before.......and I do hope they renovate it.

Funny. Of all the eyesoreish qualities attributed to a subway station, simply possessing a McDonald's is not something I'd imagine people picking on.

Oh, and the south entrance to St Clair also has McDonalds. Doesn't seem to injure the place.
Funny. Of all the eyesoreish qualities attributed to a subway station, simply possessing a McDonald's is not something I'd imagine people picking on.

Oh, and the south entrance to St Clair also has McDonalds. Doesn't seem to injure the place.

I think having a Micky D's there is not a great thing, but it's a free market.....but I can say that the smell of the vats is the most unappealing thing the smell of grease will be affecting the condo dwellers....and the building will change the current air flow around the area, and will cause a pocket of air that will trap the smell if the wind is from a certain direction. This will not just be the poor condo buyers but the current residents that do occupy the suronding area having that stink linger in the air is not a pretty thing.

So its not the issue for having a Micky D's there, but what will the effect of having a building that will cause the "Air pocket" that will trap the vat smell. Anyone who lives around a Micky D's will tell you it is not a very nice smell at times.

I guess it will be a "See what happens" when the condo is built...............
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I can honestly say, i have heard it all.:D

Interesting that you say is a link .... :) now you have

"The construction of a building inevitably changes the microclimate in its vicinity. In particular near high-rise buildings, high wind velocities are often introduced at pedestrian level that can be experienced as uncomfortable or even dangerous. Therefore, the design of a building should not only focus on the building envelope and on providing good indoor environment, but should also include the effect of the design on the outdoor environment. The outdoor environment of a building, in particular related to wind, has received relatively little attention in the Building Physics community."


"The presence of a nearby structure influences the pressures on a high-rise building due
to interference. The present paper describes the results of an experimental study
carried out on rigid models of buildings in a boundary layer wind tunnel in order to study
the interference effect. A model of a low-rise building is placed on the upstream side of
a high-rise building model and the wind environment between the two is measured.
Spacing between the two models is varied in order to study the influence of spacing on
the wind environment. It is observed that the wind environment between the two
buildings is changed and thus wind pressures on high-rise buildings are adversely
affected. This influence is quite distinct for the spacing values up to 5 times the height of
the low-rise building model."
I am in no way schooled in the sciences of physics, meteorology, wind currents or the like. While I do agree that Mcdonalds and other fast food chains to have a certain odour to them when you walk by, even drive by in some areas at certain times, I'm not entirely sure that this is going to effect Giraffe all that much.

If you're living on the 20th floor, will it really matter? What if you're on the southwest corner of the building?

But I could be wrong.
McDonalds in Dundas West station is why Giraffe ahouldn't go ahead as proposed?

Congratulations to all concerned at having Grasping At Straws recognized as an Olympic Sport.
McDonalds in Dundas West station is why Giraffe ahouldn't go ahead as proposed?

Congratulations to all concerned at having Grasping At Straws recognized as an Olympic Sport.

I do not think anyone here has said that at all.... but since you sound like you want it clarified....

Urban planning should always be considered with every project proposed by every developer.

You just can not build blindly with out thinking of demographics of how one building affects another, and this includes traffic flow, and yes wind, and also how a building shadow will affect other residents who live adjacent to the high rise condo. Everyone has a right to reasonably enjoy their property

9.(1) Everyone has the right to the use and enjoyment of property, individually or in association with others, and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with law and for reasonable compensation.

Also property value is another major concern if by reading a previous post the developer had dropped the price of the units drastically. So the property value is now even lower or the developer is taking a hit in their pocket because of the project is delayed or the developer got greedy and was asking too much.

So would one possibly not want a condo be built beside Dundas station with a Micky D's?

Dundas as well as Lansdowne are the dirtiest stations on the Bloor line, and lots of other issue such as drug related crime. Living next to a known problem station is a major concern.

It’s like living close to the High Park station where everyone wants to live close to or even to Bloor West because of the area is a magnet to the middle upper working class.
I doubt TAS will walk away. They've sank too much time and money into this project. Not to mention the revisions they made to it. I think they're just waiting for the final OMB ruling (which I believe is December 3rd) before they have one last sales push and then start construction. This is assuming they get the OMB's approval of course. Remember, this project dropped prices drastically a while back and never even advertised it. Does that mean they sold enough units via word of mouth and the signs on the building to make the project financially viable? Or are they essentially sleeping before they know where they stand with the OMB?

The local residents really are the ones who annoy me the most when it comes to this project, TTC is probably next in line.
I doubt TAS will walk away. They've sank too much time and money into this project. Not to mention the revisions they made to it. I think they're just waiting for the final OMB ruling (which I believe is December 3rd) before they have one last sales push and then start construction. This is assuming they get the OMB's approval of course. Remember, this project dropped prices drastically a while back and never even advertised it. Does that mean they sold enough units via word of mouth and the signs on the building to make the project financially viable? Or are they essentially sleeping before they know where they stand with the OMB?

The local residents really are the ones who annoy me the most when it comes to this project, TTC is probably next in line.

Any ideas on what the needed percentage of needed sales to start this project?

I have a few friends who are in the biz, and they have commented to me that they think it will go.

I am not against this project in any means....this area would do well with new blood.........lots of potentail! Plus you have the Junction just up the road...and that is starting to take shape again.........I hope it does go ahead!
I certainly would not want to live beside a McDonalds. The smell is horrible. So is the smell from Indian restaurants.
I think these restaurants should have to have some sort of filters to lessen the stench.
