Toronto 1337 King Street West | 36.05m | 10s | PUCF | LGA Architectural


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Sep 16, 2020
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Toronto, ON
Site in Parkdale that our volunteers have been watching for a while...


Councillor Perks and the Parkdale United Church Foundation held a public pre-submission meeting last night... to help them finalize their plans before they submit to the City, etc.





DRAFT Site Plan and Renders from LGA...


10-Storey Box with minor step-back at the 3rd Floor.



Plus 3-storey Mews / Townhouses along the South side...




Current State...


It is crazy that we have "Yellow-Belt" Neighbourhood Zoning that faces Streetcar Lines in 2022 --- but this would seem like a great site for a rapid rezoning --- maybe via the new ministerial zoning tool, Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (“CIHA”) order from Bill-109..?


Project Website -

"Waiting list is over 8 to 10 years long and growing"

What a disgrace.
"Average Rent is BELOW $650/month WITHOUT Government subsidy"

It's kind of a miracle math rent number for a downtown Studio unit - so you are going to get huge waitlists.
"Average Rent is BELOW $650/month WITHOUT Government subsidy"

It's kind of a miracle math rent number for a downtown Studio unit - so you are going to get huge waitlists.

An 8 to 10 year wait list tells me that there is a massive flaw in the system. There should be far more such units built until the waiting list falls into a reasonable time frame.
An 8 to 10 year wait list tells me that there is a massive flaw in the system. There should be far more such units built until the waiting list falls into a reasonable time frame.
There are "massive flaw in MULTIPLE systems" - but this particular Not-for-Profit Developer is doing what they can within the broken-systems that they do NOT control... there's no "disgrace" to them in that - or in this proposal.
There are "massive flaw in MULTIPLE systems" - but this particular Not-for-Profit Developer is doing what they can within the broken-systems that they do NOT control... there's no "disgrace" to them in that - or in this proposal.

@Towered can speak for himself; but I don't think he was suggesting that this developer was doing anything disgraceful; he was expressing that it's a disgrace that someone in need of affordable housing has to wait up to 10 years for it.


As you have noted, there is more than one wait list for affordable housing, which I'm under the impression is not common knowledge, or put another way, for others reading, while almost all waits for affordable housing are far too long; they are not all in the 8-10 year range.

It's worth adding here, that while we do very much need more affordable housing both at the workforce and deeply affordable levels; and we also need higher incomes for entry-level workers and those on OW/ODSP.........the wait
lists nonetheless do sometimes give a misleading impression.

Some people on wait lists are in fact housed, in housing appropriate to their family size, and pay a rent that is within the realm of affordable, but high enough to allow them to be on such a list.

That is not to discount in anyway the need for more housing, and a great deal of it; merely to state, the most needy are not, typically, waiting 8-10 years.

The wait will generally vary by level of urgency; but because of multiple lists, and varying needs (supportive housing, long term care, accessible housing, units of certain sizes, or a need/desire to be in a certain area/building) actual waits vary widely.


But we can all agree government investment both in affordable housing, and in income support has been wholly inadequate; as has the minimum wage which has languished at level which would not allow a full-time worker to house themselves in the Toronto market.

(1337-1355 King St W) Hybrid Community Consultation Meeting

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
(UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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Eva Shi

The City of Toronto Planning Division has received an application to amend the Official Plan & Zoning By-law for a new 10-storey infill residential building with 92 affordable rental units.
