True but no one was debating whether McMansions are better urbanism than 57th Ave type nonsense. The point is that the appellant’s Growth Plan pitch to justify bending City guidelines or justify shadow impacts, etc, would have been much stronger had the ask been for, I dunno, actual “Growth” (ie density more typical of a building of its size). When the developer raised your argument, they drove their appeal into a brick wall:
[57] The Tribunal finds that in respect to those high-level policies, the proposal is consistent with the PPS and conforms with the Growth Plan. However, both documents recognize that the Official Plan is the effective vehicle for implementation. Policy of the Growth Plan provide that municipalities will develop a strategy to achieve intensification throughout delineated built-up areas, which will identify the appropriate type and scale of development and transition of built form to adjacent areas, and these strategies will be implemented through official plan policies and designations, updated zoning and other supporting documents.
[58] The tribunal finds that the proposal is not the appropriate type and scale of development for the subject site and it does not create an appropriate transition of built form to adjacent areas. The City and the other opposing parties submit that there are alternative built forms that would accommodate the modest intensification of the 56 residential units which the Applicant seeks to achieve on the subject site, that would conform with the Official Plan, which itself conforms to the Growth Plan and is consistent with the PPS.