Toronto Swansea Mews Revitalization | ?m | ?s | TCHC

Have been having some interesting Twitter chats about this site, and the rebuild viability...

Let me bring the middle tweet's image forward for discussion:


@HousingNowTO observes that the current Swansea site is actually zoned 'Neighbourhoods'. (for clarification, it is designated 'Neighbourhoods in the Official Plan and zoned Residential)

Aside from obvious need to rezone, this image shows clearly why I feel the properties to the direct east of this site at the lower/south end need to be expropriated and consolidated to the redevelopment.

It will be a huge pain to go tall at the south-west corner of the site here, SFH/Yellowbelt remains as an immediate adjacency. In addition, I strongly believe a new E-W connector street is required here, and that would necessitate taking at least 2 of the homes anyway just for the ROW.

That being the case, why stop at 2?
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Let me bring the middle tweet's image forward for discussion:

View attachment 458122

@HousingNowTO observes that the current Swansea site is actually zoned 'Neighbourhoods'.

Aside from obvious need to rezone, this image shows clearly why I feel the properties to the direct east of this site at the lower/south end need to be expropriated and consolidated to the redevelopment.

It will be a huge pain to go tall at the south-west corner of the site here, SFH/Yellowbelt remains as an immediate adjacency. In addition, I strongly believe a new E-W connector street is required here, and that would necessitate taking at least 2 of the homes anyway just for the ROW.

That being the case, why stop at 2?
No. It is designated a Neighbourhood in the Official Plan - the Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 does not have a Neighbourhood zone...

This would need Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments for mid or high density residential.
No. It is designated a Neighbourhood in the Official Plan - the Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 does not have a Neighbourhood zone...

I am aware of that.

Yes, it is zoned Residential.

This would need Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments for mid or high density residential.

I already indicated that rezoning would be required, yes, an OPA would as well.

And that is entirely worth pursuing here.
The latest budget has no actual money for redevelopment of Swansea Mews..........

Indeed, to my astonishment.........the buildings will stand vacant another full year (2024) at a cost of 2M (security etc.)

That's a lot of pay to waste perfectly good land.

Perhaps @HousingNowTO could be persuaded to light a fire under them.

At the very least, demolition should move ahead forthwith so that money is not wasted securing condemned buildings.

But we should also be proceeding with discussions of redevelopment with all due haste.
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The latest budget has no actual money for redevelopment of Swansea Mews..........

Indeed, to my astonishment.........the buildings will stand vacant another full year (2024) at a cost of 2M (security etc.)

That's a lot of pay to waste perfectly good land.

Perhaps @HousingNowTO could be persuade to light a fire under them.

At the very least, demolition should move ahead forthwith so that money is not wasted securing condemned buildings.

But we should also be proceeding with discussions of redevelopment with all due haste.
One fight at a time, Man... One fight at a time... o_O

I promise you it is on our "To Do" list -- but we have a finite amount of Volunteer bandwidth to apply to new projects for the first 6-months of 2024.
You Whooo.........

The TCHC has developed a rough concept for redevelopment here, which appears on the agenda of their BIFAC Ctte for Sept 23rd:

There's good news and there's bad news.........and well.

Lets start w/the facts, shall we:









Before my commentary:

@Paclo (I think this one merits a database entry/ pin at this point)

@HousingNowTO will want to look these numbers over.


A reminder that I drew up a very conceptual site plan for this on the previous page, here:

The good news:

This plan bears a resemblance to my plan, and is reasonably ambitious if one confines the plans only to previously owned land of Swansea Mews.

The bad news, this plan fails to maximize its potential either expropriating or working with a developer to assemble properties I outlined in my concept above and therefore under achieves.

The proposed E-W road is properly sited, but fails to connect to the road further east which is a huge miss.

The Park proposal here is nothing short of terrible. Its a completely useless shape and is barely wide enough for a path where encumbered by an internal road.

The Parkland needs to shift off-site and additional properties purchased for coordinated redevelopment.
