Panorama Condos (Concord CityPlace) - Real Estate -

About how long was that from 1st occupancy to closing? Is the building fully occupied now, even the top floors?

Earliest occupancy is late May. So it is about 3 months which is very impressive (save on interests since builder charges higher interest rate than mortage rate). I think all the floors were transferred to owners in June.
Earliest occupancy is late May. So it is about 3 months which is very impressive (save on interests since builder charges higher interest rate than mortage rate). I think all the floors were transferred to owners in June.

Really? Normally it's about a floor a week, but that would make occupancy more like 7 floors/week? How did they book the elevator?!? Anyway, that's a great fast closing for you guys, congrats!
We signed our papers today at my lawyers office, but I noticed that the maintenance fee is 60c /sft. Does this sound right to you guys, I though it was going to be cheaper than that? even if we take into consideration the HST it should still not be that high.
We signed our papers today at my lawyers office, but I noticed that the maintenance fee is 60c /sft. Does this sound right to you guys, I though it was going to be cheaper than that? even if we take into consideration the HST it should still not be that high.

Mine is about 54c/sf. It is definitely high. I asked my lawyer to ask Concord to break down the maintenance fee (i.e. locker, parking, unit, etc), but Concord refused. I am definitely going to pursuit this matter.

Is balcony included in maintenance fee calculation?

I also noticed that property tax is only a few hundreds a year which is ridiculously low. If this is true, then Concord overcharged us on occupancy monthly fee which is property tax + maintenance fee + interest.

Concord owes us an explanation!
Is balcony included in maintenance fee calculation?

I also noticed that property tax is only a few hundreds a year which is ridiculously low. If this is true, then Concord overcharged us on occupancy monthly fee which is property tax + maintenance fee + interest.

The balcony is not included in the maintenance, we do not own the balcony so we should not be paying for it.
In regards to the tax, what concord has been paying is for the land alone, once the property gets assessed ( which will most likely be in 2 years) the city will charge every one the back taxes owed for the previous years. At that time concord has to pay the taxes owing until your closing date and we are responsible for everything else. I would consider 1% of purchase price a good number for your taxes, chances are it will be less since it is condo, but just to be on the safe side.
The balcony is not included in the maintenance, we do not own the balcony so we should not be paying for it.
In regards to the tax, what concord has been paying is for the land alone, once the property gets assessed ( which will most likely be in 2 years) the city will charge every one the back taxes owed for the previous years. At that time concord has to pay the taxes owing until your closing date and we are responsible for everything else. I would consider 1% of purchase price a good number for your taxes, chances are it will be less since it is condo, but just to be on the safe side.

Happy to know Balcony is not included because mine is big. Then I am really puzzled why my maintenance fee is so high. I felt that I was charged for a parking which I don't own.
I was a bit surprise about my condo fee and mentioned it to my solicitor. I don't have the exact numbers with me but I estimate my condo fee is around 54c/sqft as well. A bit higher than I expected.
Does any one else hear the elevator noise as it passes through the 15th floor. It sounds like the first elevator as you come into the corridor, scrapes against something as it goes up and down and makes a really harsh noise which is then distributed through the HVAC vent. It get very annoying when there is no other noise in the apartment (i.e when I try to get some sleep). It seems like is only one of the elevators so it can't be normal noise. I have already left a message with building management, but just wondering if anybody else hears it.

They have since fixed the noise, apparently the railing for the elevator was not strait.
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I havn't noticed the elevator. But while we're on the subject of noticing things, has anyone else noticed an inordinate amount of flies/spiders/bugs/pests on their balcony? I pulled up the blinds this morning only to notice the screen door has trapped a million dead flies. I simply can't wait for the next window cleaning to take care of this. Anyone have any good ideas on how to clean this mess up?

I don't live at City Place, but there have been a LOT of little flies out and about. I walk through swarms of them every day. Our windows just got washed and a new spider set up residence on my window, and his web is now full of these tiny little flies.
Its not just this tower. Its every tower downtown I think. I live in Murano, and we have the same problem. It will go away when the weather gets colder.
