Mississauga Iona Gate | ?m | 25s | Oben Flats | Core Architects


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Apr 24, 2007
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Oben is on a roll!

I love the look of the tower, looks elegant, definitely some aA vibes. I'm not sold on the first 12-ish floors though. Needs refinement there. Call me boring but the curve doesn't work for me.
Is the shopping plaza being redeveloped? What happens to the grocery store?
It would be crazy for the grocery store, in walking distance from the multitude of apartment buildings, to shut down, forcing people to drive further away to do their grocery shopping.
Is the shopping plaza being redeveloped? What happens to the grocery store?
It would be crazy for the grocery store, in walking distance from the multitude of apartment buildings, to shut down, forcing people to drive further away to do their grocery shopping.
Looks like this is replacing just the parking beside the subway in the plaza right now.. which given the location in the plaza, I imagine it doesn't get used too much. The plaza can probably get by with the reduced parking in front of Metro.
This should be a nice addition to the area. A more high end, slightly more urban looking apartment building over there will be a breath of fresh air from its tower-in-the-park neighbours.
Boy I sure miss this one and just started a new thread until it was point out about this thread..

I have looked at this plaza for years and it was crying out for redevelopment. You can put in 3-4 tower easy with more larger retail space and office space while relocating the Metro store on site..

I would do it in 4 phases with all parking underground. Phase 1 would be the tallest at 40s in the plan location with a new Metro in it and 2 floors of office space above it, then residential. Phase 2 would see a 30s tower where Metro is currently with retail at the base. Phase 3 would be the parking lot to the north with retail at the base and 2 floors of office space for the 35s tower.

The current driveway on the northside can be reduce to a path to allow cycles and pedestrian to get to the current Valley complex's. Phase 4 would be 25s rental tower like the other 3.

Buildings on Central Parkway and the valley would be set back to allow wider sidewalk and patio.

Shoppers would triple the existing store and TD would most likely double the space..

All deliveries would be underground on the first level of parking.

The current plans are on the back burner as they are remodeling the exterior with the removal of the wood shingles that is a flat edge to hold the new customer signs yet to be install.
