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News   Mar 06, 2025
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Nuclear crisis in Toronto's eastern suburbs?



What do you guys think about Toronto being the only city in the world with nuclear plants in such a high populated area?

Do you think this is going to cause problems in the future?

I have looked up some info about nuclear power in our eastern suburbs after a talk about this issue with some people I know, and I am surprised to have read things about drinking water in the eastern suburbs and Toronto region having high levels of radiation in them, due to spills from Pickering. Anyway check out the stats below. Kinda freaky.

Do you think this will be a huge issue soon for our eastern suburbs, and why our eastern suburbs are not growing as fast as the west?


-Pickering Nuclear is the largest nuclear power station
under one roof in the world. "Since it came into service, starting with Unit 1 on February 25, 1971, Pickering has been the largest nuclear power station
under one roof in the world."

Canadian Nuclear Association, 1996

-There are a lot of unanswered questions -- like why is there a higher rate of leukemia and various cancers
in the Durham region than any other area of Ontario?
Why is that? And you know, we don't know."

Maurice Brenner, Pickering city councillor - Pickering headache - Regulator nixes public review on reactor
Eye magazine - Bruce Livesey - July 13, 2000

Pickering Nuclear is sited in the worst possible location

-"No other nuclear plant in the world is surrounded
by as large a population ...
over one and a half million people within 30 km."

Shut them down... for good - Greenpeace
Nuclear Awareness Project (1997)

-"Perhaps the most compelling reason for closing down the Pickering reactor is the fact that there is a larger population within 30 kilometres of the station as there is for any other commercial nuclear generating station in the world.

-"The Atomic Energy Control Board has admitted that it would not allow a new nuclear plant to be built in the same location.
Shut them down... for good - Greenpeace

Nuclear Awareness Project (1997)

-Pickering A, Canada - In August 1992, a tube-break in the moderator heat exchanger on Pickering Reactor #1 dumped 3,000 litres of radiation-contaminated heavy water into Lake Ontario. It was the largest tritium release in CANDU history, causing the shutdown of a nearby water supply plant.

-Pickering A, Canada (December 10, 1994):
the site of Canada’s worst accident at a commercial nuclear station. A pipe break resulted in a major loss of coolant accident and a spill of 185 tonnes of heavy water. For the first time in CANDU history, the Emergency Coolant Injection System was used to avoid a melt-down.

-Pickering, Canada (November 22, 1988) . An operator error damaged 36 fuel bundles. The cooling system was contaminated by radioactive iodine that was vented into the environment over several weeks following the accident.
It's good to bring these things up, and I wouldn't dare to think to live in Durham region. It's true about the talk hearing about many people who live near the plant do get sick more so than other places.

I don't agree with this statement, "No other nuclear plant in the world is surrounded by as large a population ... over one and a half million people within 30 km."

Here's a list of reactors in the world,

I'm sure China, India, or any of those big countries have a reactor closer to them with more than 1.5 million people within 30kms range.
I have always felt nervous about Pickering, which is why I keep my British passport up to date.
It is my impression that potential harm from nuclear energy plants is an irrational bogeyman. In a way I am unclear why environmental groups oppose nuclear since if you look at the whole environmental picture there are positives and negative associated with the technology.
I always laugh at one of my friends from Pickering because his elementary school actually had meltdown drills.
Building Babel: Why is that?

I must admit I'd feel uneasy about moving to Pickering, but I don't think living around power lines is that good either.
So I can get out quick if mikeeasternfringes starts posting pictures of people in his neck of the woods glowing fluorescent green.
You can tell that people of that description are up to no good just by looking at them, you know.
Nuclear crisis? What nuclear crisis? The title of this thread is misleading.

Mike, you seem to be on this fear binge. What's up?
Well there's a nuclear reactor in Hamilton and it doesn't worry me as much as the steel plants or Coal Power Stations. Nuclear is very clean for its footprint and Candus are among the safest in the world.
Unless it's part of an educational institution, there is *no* nuclear reactor in Hamilton. All there is in Ontario are Pickering, Bruce, and Darlington...
It had a Slowpoke, but it shut down about three years ago.
