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NSHispeed (the official name of the name Dutch HSR service) has its site, online now in anticipation of its launch. Most of it is in Dutch (you can click the English button at the top right hand corner but most pages are not translated yet. It is worth taking a look around. You also get some glimpses of the train set they will be using which have a really great, retro look too them, contunuing the Dutch tradition of smashing looking trains.

This video is also rather fun too watch. Lots of short little shots of high speed trains (a couple of 3 HS trains running side by side). The music is somewhat cheesey, but overall, a good example of how to sell HS rail travel.

For anyone who may one day find themselves trying to sell and design a HS network in the Quebec-Windsor corridor, the NSHispeed service model and corporate structure would probably be highly applicable too Canada.

Edit: Below is the best picture I have been able to come across so far of the new trains. I am sure in the next few days though some intrepid Dutch rail junkies will manage to take some much better photos.

It looks somewhat less stubby from the side but there is no question it is a unique design (one which I think is fantastic though I am sure many will feel quick the opposite).

Just for something too reference the NSHispeed video too here is a link to a video for VIA business travellers. Of course there will be some differences in how business travellers are marketed too as opposed too a general audience but the VIA video really lacks in energy and style. Though I have seen one of the commercials for the 'More Human Way To Travel' campaign, which I actually liked, it is still far from anything that is going to excite people about rail travel.

Oh well. One day somebody will figure it all out.

Edit: I would also add this is not meant to be a 'Look at what at they have! I want one! I am jealous! Why don't we have one?' thread. The primary reason is just because the whole project is really fascinating too watch. Not only is it taking place as we speak, which means it happens in real time and is more interesting than trying too learn by digging through archival information, but it includes all aspects of creating a HSR service from building the infrastructure, to creating the service company that will operate it to marketing the new product too people and troubleshooting along the way. And the bonus is that a great deal about the project can be found online which makes it easier to follow progress and learn more about it from anywhere outside the Netherlands.

A few more interesting sites. This is the HSL-Zuid site. It is the official website of all things infrastructure related.

This is a site by Peter Honig which is his own personal personal dosumentation of the actual construction of the HSL-Zuid line (mostly near the Netherlands-Belgium) border. The commentary is all in Dutch but it covers 6 years of progress on the line and the pictures by and large speak for themselves.
