The Mississauga Muse
All Hail Mississaugans!
Just lettin' you-all know that The Mississauga News has kindly given me space on their website for a BLOG that I hope will provide a platform for citizens to discuss --whatever related to municipal governance in general and Mississauga in particular.
The BLOG has a Comments Section that I hope will make it possible for people to Talk Story. I have to tell you though, (regrettably) that the discussions can't be as open-and-unfettered as the free-skating we have here in our TO Forum.
It's a start. I hope to motivate someone to start up a GTA forum like this one because the Comments section in a BLOG is directly from The-Better-Than-Nothing-Department and not the Sweet Swing we have here.
I believe that a GTA forum of some sort might be useful for us GTAers. After all, GTA means Greater TORONTO Area.
We're the surrounding GTA municipalities but TORONTO wags all our dogs. I see that as a GOOD thing.
Anyway. I haven't quite figured out how to format the days' entries logically (right now entries go bottom-to-top and that might not be best). No matter. The current format also comes directly from The-Better-Than-Nothing-Department.
Here's the URL.

The Mississauga Muse
Just lettin' you-all know that The Mississauga News has kindly given me space on their website for a BLOG that I hope will provide a platform for citizens to discuss --whatever related to municipal governance in general and Mississauga in particular.
The BLOG has a Comments Section that I hope will make it possible for people to Talk Story. I have to tell you though, (regrettably) that the discussions can't be as open-and-unfettered as the free-skating we have here in our TO Forum.
It's a start. I hope to motivate someone to start up a GTA forum like this one because the Comments section in a BLOG is directly from The-Better-Than-Nothing-Department and not the Sweet Swing we have here.
I believe that a GTA forum of some sort might be useful for us GTAers. After all, GTA means Greater TORONTO Area.
We're the surrounding GTA municipalities but TORONTO wags all our dogs. I see that as a GOOD thing.
Anyway. I haven't quite figured out how to format the days' entries logically (right now entries go bottom-to-top and that might not be best). No matter. The current format also comes directly from The-Better-Than-Nothing-Department.
Here's the URL.

The Mississauga Muse