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Liberals lose a member (Pat O’Brien)

  • Thread starter CliffColeclough
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Should make Parliament interesting again. The last two weeks were so boring!

O'Brien quits Liberals

OTTAWA (CP) — MP Pat O’Brien, who opposes the government’s position on gay marriage, has quit the Liberals to sit as an Independent.

The move weakens the minority government and raises fresh questions about whether it can survive another confidence vote. Last month, the government won a confidence measure by just one vote after wooing Belinda Stronach from the Conservatives.
Too good. Rarely a dull week in this government. I give up making predeictions, its a coin toss as to what happens next, and the following, and the following, etc, etc.
What a punk. History will bury these people in unmarked and unnoticed graves.
He'll probably still vote with the gov't on any "confidence" issue so in some regards it isn't a huge deal for the Liberals, but yah a big deal.
And I think the Bloq is for marriage, right? I try not to pay too much attention to this one because the Hate it generates from that small core is upsetting.
Same sex marriage will probably pass as both the NDP and Bloq support it.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the nation G. Grewal, man of many tape edits, was stopped for trying to get passengers on an Air Canada flight to carry a package for him to Ottawa. Kind of a non-no, but then so is editing taped conversations and claiming that they are true.
Grewal doesn't have that much credibility anyway (but asking people to carry luggage for him - they always warn you at airports against doing something like that, for security reasons!). I also find it strange that R. Jaffer has become one of the most visible attack dogs for the Conservatives, yet he was caught not that long ago having a staffer pose as him on a radio call-in show.

Generally, I find the Conservative backbenchers to be the dimmest bulbs in Ottawa, which is saying quite a bit.

And good riddance Pat O'Brien. He's become a single-issue politican, so he should go all the way and join the dimwits Grewal, Jaffer and Stockwell Day.
More on Grewal

Grewal takes 'stress leave' amid new controversy
Air Canada probes MP's actions in airport incident


OTTAWA - The Tory MP at the centre of a surreptitiously taped effort to make a deal with the Liberals is taking a stress leave from his parliamentary duties after Air Canada launched an investigation of incident at Vancouver airport.

Gurmant Grewal was allegedly spotted in a waiting area Saturday asking passengers to carry a package to Ottawa for him, said an airline source.

The B.C. MP denied any wrongdoing.

"I'm going to deny the allegations with Air Canada and they have, unfortunately, wrong information in their hands," he told Global News today.

A union official said Grewal had earlier gone to an Air Canada ticket agent to ask if he could arrange for someone to carry a package to Ottawa aboard flight 166 on Saturday. He was told that was impossible because of security practices.

"The agent told him he couldn't do that. If he had a package to go on the flight he would need to go on the flight."

The official said Grewal then re-booked himself on the Ottawa flight and passed through security to a waiting area, where he asked other agents if they could give him a list of politicians travelling on the Ottawa flight. He allegedly said he wanted one of them to carry a package for him.

He was reportedly again told that this was a violation of security.

He was then allegedly overheard asking "a number" of passengers to carry the package, the official said.

The MP apparently was successful in finding someone to take his envelope to Ottawa and went back to tell the agents in the lounge, the official said. He himself flew to Ottawa the next day.

Grewal has been at the centre of a storm since releasing secretly taped conversations with senior Liberals attempting to win his vote and that of his wife, also a Tory MP, on the eve of the May 19 confidence vote. The Liberals survived when the Speaker broke a tie.

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper issued a statement this evening saying Grewal informed him earlier in the day that he would temporarily step down from his position as co-chair of a standing joint committee in the House of Commons.

"Subsequently, I have spoken with Gurmant," Harper's statement said. "I have been aware that for some days now he has been feeling significant personal pressure. As a result, he and I agreed that he should take a temporary stress leave from his parliamentary responsibilities."

It's unclear why Grewal didn't fly with the package or simply courier it. He did not respond to a request for an interview today.

A source said Grewal had an envelope containing tapes with him at the airport, but airline officials would not confirm if there was a tape in the envelope the MP was reportedly trying to pass along.

The airline was saying little about the incident.

"We can confirm that we are currently investigating an incident involving Mr. Grewal," said Air Canada spokeswoman Laura Cooke.

"I have no additional information to provide on this matter at this point."

Last week, Grewal turned over to the RCMP tapes of secret recordings he made in meetings with two top Liberals.

Several audio experts said the tapes had been altered, prompting the Conservatives to issue a statement admitting that small changes had been made to the recordings.

On the tapes, Grewal is overheard negotiating possible job opportunities with the Liberal party in exchange for his vote in a crucial confidence vote.
Re: More on Grewal


"How to f&ck up your career for no reason"
By Gurmant Grewal
Re: More on Grewal

This guy sounds like a cokehead. Stressleave. I wonder if the Tory's will treat his stressleave with as much disdain as they did Svend Robinson's.

Isn't there a budget for FedEx in parliamentary offices? I have no budget, and i FedEx things. Schmucks. This makes my day though.
Re: More on Grewal

U-u-jjal, things are gonna get easier
U-u-jjal, things'll get brighter
Re: O'Brien

Wasn't O'Brien part of the Chretien camp? Perhaps he doesn't like the changes and prefers the Gagliano days. The guy should get a life. I can't wait for the next election when these independents will more often than not loose their seats. I would think it would be hard to sell to Liberal supporters in his riding that he would be worth voting for when his reason for leaving is the "gay issue". Give me a break. So many decisions are made in Ottawa that actually change the economic forecast, affect the crime rate, affect the accessibility of social services, affect taxes, etc... the "gay issue" isn't one of them. At least Stronach has the excuse she was trying to save the country from the separatists. The gay issue is nothing in the grand scheme of issues that affect the everyday lives of the majority of Canadians. There have been hundreds of gay marriages in Canada already... how has it negatively impacted the lives of O'Brien and his constituents.
Re: O'Brien

EnviroTO: Gay issues, such as same-sex marriage, affect all kinds of things.

For instance, the government expanded the CPP survivor's pension program in 2000 to cover same-sex couples and make coverage for us retroactive to January 1998. I get a little pension myself as a result. But the Federal government also opposes, in the courts, legal challenges from the gay community aimed at making CPP same-sex benefits coverage retroactive to 1985 when the Canadian Charter came into effect. So my friend Bruce, whose partner died in 1992, is excluded from the program. That, I think, fits your description of "accessibility of social services" and perhaps has an implication for "taxes" too.

Gay couples can also register under the Income Tax system to be considered as common law couples, which will certainly "affect taxes" as you put it.

At a stretch, I suppose it could also be said that the legalization of homosexuality nearly 40 years ago "affected the crime rate" by removing it as a criminal offence and removing 10% of the population from the criminal class.

I'm not convinced that politicians who take anti-gay positions are merely clowns who should "get a life" and that gay issues are "nothing in the grand scheme of issues that affect the everyday lives of the majority of Canadians".
Re: O'Brien

Well the Liberals gained a member in the recent maritimes by-election. I'm sure O'Brien will vote with the government on confidence issues and will only oppose the same sex marriage votes.
Re: O'Brien

I'm not convinced that politicians who take anti-gay positions are merely clowns who should "get a life" and that gay issues are "nothing in the grand scheme of issues that affect the everyday lives of the majority of Canadians".

Gay issues affect gays... not the majority of Canadians. For a non-gay person to take a stand against gay marriage and even quit the Liberal party because of it to me seems out of touch with reality. You give examples of how the legislation affects gay people but my point is that the majority of people are not gay and therefore are barely affected by gay issues. To be taking a stand against it makes no sense.

Since Ontario started allowing gay marriages there have been many gay marriages in the province. What is the net impact of those gay marriages to O'Brien and his non-gay constituents? Did crime go up due to the gay marriages, did the economy crumble due to the gay marriages, did the environment suffer due to the gay marriages, did less people get access to healthcare or a quality education due to the gay marriages, or did life go on with no negative impact? Do you think gay marriage has had a negative impact on his life and his constituents lives to the degree that warrants quitting the Liberal party and running as an independant?

For heterosexuals gay marriage should be a non-issue. The math for gay marriage should be: non-gays = 0 (little or no impact), gays = +1 (positive impact, freedom and equality) = +1 (gay marriage should be allowed).
