Toronto Leslie Lookout Park | ?m | ?s | CreateTO | CCxA

Great shot. As much as I like to be on "The Lookout".... that sand right to the edge of the water sorta begs a splash one day. 💦

If it's one day clean enough to swim in, the city's over-paid insurance consultants don't reinforce the likely ban, the life-guards' association don't boycott the location..... oh never mind.

It's hot outside. 🏊‍♂️
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This is Toronto. Best we'll have is a single source bid that goes to Tim Horton's.

I heard @ADRM was thinking of doing architectural tours on Yachts, catered by Terroni......... but that could just be a rumour.......(I'm starting).
Mmmm... Terroni. I'd like 2 orders of beef carpaccio (extra extra virgin olive oil please), a glass of frigid Pinot Grigio, and an extra life-jacket.

And get ADRM to repaint the back of his boat (below) with a new name... UrbanFloater?, Gone Spandrel Fishin'? Sign me up.


On the long run, more should be done here. Buildings, bars, restaurants with a river walk. Boats can sail by and dock. Maybe we can have an architectural boat tour like Chicago's one day? Am I dreaming?
Long run indeed. Gotta get rid of the cement plants first. Lots of dust on that stretch of Leslie. I'm not sure patio-goers would appreciate that or the constant truck noise. We're a long ways out from making this a destination strip. But I'm glad to see the park going in, it will offer a nice view of the channel.
They should extend it south to Unwin.
At least a waters-edge promenade would be good but hard to do as they do in that area as the concrete plants use ships to bring in 'raw material'. There will, at some point be a promenade on the north side of the Turning Basin leading over to the Basin Street Studio development.


Long run indeed. Gotta get rid of the cement plants first. Lots of dust on that stretch of Leslie. I'm not sure patio-goers would appreciate that or the constant truck noise. We're a long ways out from making this a destination strip. But I'm glad to see the park going in, it will offer a nice view of the channel.
The City has been working hard to concentrate the cement plants in the "Cement Campus' there so they will be there for decades. Though I do not like them either, they really DO need to be close to their customers as bringing in concrete from some far-distant suburban plant would really be far worse.
