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Higher ambitions?


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Jun 8, 2012
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Down town Toronto
I've been looking at the major cities across the globe that are building supertalls that put us to shame, and, well, you all know how I hold out hope for my unhinged insane desire for a supertall with design to rival any other one in any city. Granted, I am looking at things through my biased, somewhat ignorant eyes, unlike many of you, I'm not fully aware of all that takes place before the first ceremonial shovel is put in the ground, but, if for no other reason then a lonely impulse of delight, I'd love to see a stylish 350+ metre tall skyscraper built somewhere within the downtown core.

I think looking at Moscow (see attached pic) is what really gets my goat, it's a city in chaos, still on the rebound from learning to adapt to life without communism, where criminal activity runs rampant, and the government in its infancy regarding social order and fiscal responsibility (I have several close friends who, for work, were transferred there, some over 10 years ago). They claim that on the surface, it's a booming economy, with the same social, political and financial freedoms we in the west, have enjoyed for centuries, but, in reality, criminal activity really runs the city, and life isn't really that much different from the days of the USSR. Why am I saying this? Well, I think the picture speaks for itself, if a city, with so much calamity are building, what I consider to be, gorgeously designed supertalls (4 and counting), why then is it so difficult for Toronto to do the same? The reason I use Moscow as an example, because most other major cities building super, and mega talls, and done so by oil billionaires, something we're a little short of here in Canada, but if a city like Moscow is building them, then what's our excuse?

Yes, we're building like mad, tower after boring tower, of cheap looking glass and steal, with little asthetically pleasing virtues to be had. To me, a life long Torontonian, I grew up with the bragging rights of having the worlds tallest free standing structure, and despite the loss of that title, we still seem to have an almost arrogance of our architectural prowess. Just my personal opinion, but, it's time we took back some of that lost pride. I'm fully aware we will never, ever, have the world tallest, I can't see toronto ever building something talller then the towers in Dubai, and Asia, but we could at least come close to it. We have the technology, and the ability, so what's the delay? It seems to me that city council is terrified of ever breaking the 1000 foot mark, but if cities that don't have oil money can find a way to build them, surely, as Canada's financial capital, and one of the most influential economies on earth, we can afford to build at least one, especially when cities with so much less, is building so much more, height wise at least.

Discounting the taller Gehry tower, which doesn't surpass 1000 feet, I pray to see a well designed true super tall, to show not just a Canada, but the entire world, that we remain one of the most beautifully diverse, and architecturally superior cities on earth. With all the projects currently proposed or under construction,why, why why why, can we not ,instead of building a twin tower complex (like Ice, Harbour Plaza, U, 45 Bay, Collage Park Residences, etc), build one spectacular supertall? Just imagine, regaining the bragging rights of having North America's tallest tower, we just have to top The new World Trade Tower, that's a realistic goal, is it not? Am I being foolishly naive and hopeful for something that will never happen? Perhaps, but without hope, there is no chance of it ever happening, so, for now, I'll remian blissfully unaware of reality, and live in my world where our great city is showcased as it was when our very own CN Tower first put us in the spotlight. I know there's a million reason why things remain as they are, but do any of you believe that we not just can, but will, in the not too distant future, breech the 1000 foot barrier, and bring our ever expanding skyline what it sorely longs for and deserves, and piece of the sky that will make us once again proud of our skyline? Just saying....let the comments commence, am I just plain wrong, or possibly right?


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Last edited: you at all know the story behind that "financial centre" built from scratch in yon Moscow? They couldn't find appropriate tenants and are half empty and leasing to just about anyone....including a hostel. Yes, a hostel in one of those towers in your pic.
I wouldn't pine for doing things the way they did there, eg: build a district of towers for no reason only to have them be half empty.

Looks flash enough though, I guess.
Well considering that the ugly things keep on being built, the people designing and building them must indeed be arrogant.
The majority of the recent crop of towers in Moscow can be summed up with one word - awful. Like this - Mercury City Tower:

Really? Garish and cheap. This isn't what I'd call quality architecture. Beyond that, the economic context in Toronto couldn't be more different than Moscow.

If we want towers with great design - I would say there are far better examples in Western Europe (particularly London) and the Far East (selected examples in China).

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Oh no we don't have supertalls however will I pretend I'm important on the internet.
Forget Moscow.....did no one read what I wrote? :p

Those there towers are half empty testaments to stupidity.

Also from that Wiki on Mercury City Tower: Меркурий Сити Тауэр (apparently its "Russian" name) .......really?
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because we don't need to build tall buildings to feel good about our economy and our country/city. we're happy building good quality buildings. what, are you the head of the global dick measuring contest association?
because we don't need to build tall buildings to feel good about our economy and our country/city. we're happy building good quality buildings. what, are you the head of the global dick measuring contest association?

Toronto's ego took a huge hit when the CN Tower was no longer the world's largest penis. Toronto now needs a second, even larger penis to assert our dominance!

It was covered in the Globe a month or so ago :p


Well, yeah, how'd you think I knew about it? :p
...that and a segment on BBC News.

That's right, I heard from two sources about how misguided that build up hear that, hanlansboy?...two sources!
