Hamilton Hamilton Line B LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

19 km is the total distance where the 1-way sections are counted twice, 16 km is the distance where the one-way sections are not double-counted.

I've made the mistake before.
19km is the end-to-end system length. Full stop. No double counting involved. the 16 number is the number of stations you'll encounter in a single direction journey. there are 19 total stations.
19km is the end-to-end system length. Full stop. No double counting involved. the 16 number is the number of stations you'll encounter in a single direction journey. there are 19 total stations.
Try again.
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From what I see, there is 19km of RoW, 16km of travel each way, meaning 13km of double-track RoW, 3km each way of single-track RoW, and 32 total km of track (minus the MSF)
Route length is most often used to describe the length of track in a specific network.
What you found was line length. Route length though is still 19km.
          C        G         K               
        /   \    /    \    /    \

Route length is calculated as the total length of the network's revenue earning fixed infrastructure where each section is only counted once regardless of the number of tracks. Given the configuration above it would be calculated as a sum of sections A=>B, B->D->E, B->C->E, E=>F, F->H->I, F->G->I, I=>J, J->K->M, J->L->M, and M=>N.

I calculated these lengths roughly using the Region of Waterloo's GIS Locator found here
A=>B = ~5.94km
B->D->E = ~0.83 km
B->C->E = ~0.84 km
E=>F = ~1.84km
F->H->I =~1.04km
F->G->I = ~1.30km
I=>H = ~1.27km
J->L->M = ~1.18km
J->K->M = ~1.20km
+M=>N = ~3.82km
Total = ~19.26km
What messaging is being sent to uninformed/ambivalent citizens (aka the normies) when a divided city hall sends out conflicting opinions?

The primary cause of that is because Hamilton City Hall dilly-dallies on the file and allows LRT's enemies to effectively organize.

No doubt Hamilton's worst enemy is its own government.

Pro-LRT folks need to keep making their voices heard loud, often, and clear in traditional media. Twitter is great for shooting snarky quips and quick rebuttals, but it has very little penetration in the real world.
