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Globe: Coming to a town near you- national museums



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Coming to a town near you: national museums
Ottawa signals massive changes in funding policy


From Wednesday's Globe and Mail

What's happening is nothing less than a revolution in federal museum policy.

For decades, the government has funded the operation of museums and art galleries in Ottawa only, and then doled out the meagre Museums Assistance Program support to help other levels of government keep the rest of the country's heritage institutions up and running.

Now the Harper government is changing how museums and art galleries will be funded: simultaneously trying to devolve responsibility for operational support to the private sector while at the same time contemplating creating or designating "national" institutions outside of Ottawa.

Not only is the government considering moving the Portrait Gallery of Canada to the new headquarters of EnCana Corp. of Calgary, it is reportedly poised to grant "national" status (which even in a time of a bigger private-sector role would guarantee some federal operating money) to the proposed Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg, the pet project of Winnipeg's wealthy Asper family. In this case, national status would mean $12-million a year in operating costs.

"It's innovative and it's very exciting," Heritage Minister Bev Oda told The Globe and Mail yesterday. She agreed that big changes for federally supported galleries and museums were under way even as she remained short on specifics.

"Decentralization is a possible scenario. We want national treasures to be enjoyed by as many Canadians as possible," Oda said.

"The government seems to be looking at establishing cultural institutions outside Ottawa, and at more public-private partnerships," said Kim Jasper, spokesperson for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. "How it plays out, we'll wait and see."

The notion of establishing a "national" museum outside Ottawa has put a gleam in the eye of other regional institutions hungry for national status and the funding that comes with it.

"This is all new territory," says John McAvity, executive director of the Canadian Museums Association. Last month, Quebec MP Francis Scarpeleggia got the House Heritage committee to approve his motion that Exporail, the Canadian Railway Museum in his riding, should be designated a national museum.

Then there's Halifax's Pier 21, Canada's immigration museum. The country's major 20th-century immigration entry point became a historic site in 1999, but currently receives no operating funds from any government. Its leaders have approached Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay, who is responsible for Atlantic Canada, to take its cause to cabinet. "The minister promotes Pier 21 to high-ranking visitors like [U.S. Secretary of State] Condoleezza Rice, and he'd be delighted to see it flourish," said MacKay's spokesman André Lemay, "but there's no firm information about plans."

Pier 21's executive director, Robert Moody, is optimistic. "We're totally there with Ottawa's idea to decentralize national museums," he told The Globe.

Decentralizing national institutions is only half of this revolution. The other major element is a greatly increased role for private-sector partners -- such as the Aspers or EnCana. One of the reasons Ottawa is considering moving the Portrait Gallery to Calgary is that EnCana was willing, according to documents obtained by the federal NDP, to contribute $30-million to the Portrait Gallery's relocation (the company denies the figure).

In September, Ottawa cut $2-million from its roughly $9-million Museums Assistance Program, which had helped operate regional heritage centres all across Canada. In early December, when Oda and Treasury Board President John Baird announced $100-million to repair and upgrade cultural institutions in the Ottawa region, they used the occasion to warn that cultural institutions must increasingly find private-sector partners to fund their expansion and exhibition plans.

The two cabinet ministers made that point with their choice of venue for the announcement: the new Talisman fossil gallery in the Canadian Museum of Nature, (opened with the help of a $2-million grant from Talisman Energy Inc.). And this fall, even as Ottawa was cutting funds for museums assistance, Oda gave $30-million to the endowment fund of the Global Centre for Pluralism, an archive and study centre devoted to the promotion of pluralistic values, policies and practices. The project is the brainchild of the Aga Khan, whose foundation has also donated $30-million toward the centre's future site, the former Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.

How these new public-private cultural partnerships will work remains to be seen. For EnCana, the possible arrival of the Portrait Gallery would be a double boon: It would give its new complex a prestige tenant, and extra visitors on evenings and weekends for its parking lots and tony restaurants. Besides, the Portrait Gallery would fill the space that EnCana had originally offered to the Glenbow Museum (the Glenbow pulled out after EnCana reduced the cultural space on offer from 250,000 square feet to between 50,000 and 100,000 sq. ft.).

For the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the tricky part of the public-private relationship is the question of who dominates the museum board (and therefore who determines such ticklish issues as how the "national" human-rights museum might treat, say, Palestinian rights). Clearly, the board would include Asper family representatives -- but would the government let them control it?

"That is a question for Ms. Oda," Jasper said.

Said Oda: "There are various scenarios."
I firmly disagree with the National Portrait Gallery location. If Encana wants to fund it they can fund it but it should be located in Ottawa the Nation's capital. If there is another museum in Calgary that wants some federal funding for expansion or some such that is fine.
"Decentralization is a possible scenario. We want national treasures to be enjoyed by as many Canadians as possible," Oda said.

So rather than designing a national capital that would be seen as welcoming to all Canadians and house national treasures with convienience and accessibility to all, we'll instead make it so that you must travel from sea to sea to explore these things. Want art? Go to Calgary. History? Montreal. Science? Sudbury.

I'm waiting for news of relocating the Smithsonian to Lubbock.

Seriously, don't they see the can of worms that they're opening? A national or provincial capital is supposed to be "neutral ground" when it comes to regional skirmishes. What happens when two private individuals want a new national museum of whatever to be located in their respective cities? This whole thing smells of pork to me.
If there is a historic or other reason like that for a national musum outside Ottawa, like Pier 21 in Halifax being a immigration museum (without official National Standing), but otherwise, should be in the nation's capital.

The long-talked about Asper Musem for the Holocaust, er Human Rights, would be okay in Winnipeg if it managed to be funded with some Federal money (along with local fundraising and municipal/provincial monies), but the National Human Rights Museum? When the Aspers will call the shots? Can't wait for their Middle East section.

And the Asper Museum will be about as exciting as the Museum of Tolerance. Will end up like the Torch in its final days, I bet, with school groups making up the biggest attendance after the novelty wears off.

The National Portrait Gallery should be in the National Capital. Like the National Nature Museum, National Museum of Science of Technology, National Museum of Civilization (see nothing wrong with adding Hull in the Capital Region, it has a wonderful site to boot), National Art Gallery, Canadian War Museum.
I have long felt that national cultural institutions ( and Provincial ones such as the ROM and AGO ) should have smaller satellite branches - much as the Tate in Britain has expanded their reach, extended their brand, and reached new audiences.

The Guggenheim has been doing this for decades, internationally. Why on earth can't we manage something equally successful within the borders of our own Provinces - or the nation as a whole?
The long-talked about Asper Musem for the Holocaust, er Human Rights, would be okay in Winnipeg if it managed to be funded with some Federal money (along with local fundraising and municipal/provincial monies), but the National Human Rights Museum? When the Aspers will call the shots? Can't wait for their Middle East section.

Ha ha. Totally!

Ha ha. An extremely sad and complex war reduced to a glib joke.

Glib jokes should be restricted to bad buildings and architecture in the Buildings and Architecture section.

Seriously, don't they see the can of worms that they're opening? A national or provincial capital is supposed to be "neutral ground" when it comes to regional skirmishes. What happens when two private individuals want a new national museum of whatever to be located in their respective cities? This whole thing smells of pork to me.
They know exactly the can of worms they're opening. Don't forget that to a lot of Reform/Alliance types, the federal government=Ontario, and Ottawa and Toronto are evil.
Can't wait until Indécision 2007. Time to retake our government.

If you look at the background, there's a few ideologic moves that can only hurt them in the places it matters most:

- Canada Wheat Board - unheard of here, it's pitting farmer against farmer in the West about whether to continue the Monosomy or to allow farmers to sell their grain to anyone. It's to placate mostly southern Alberta farmers who want to sell directly to the US. The US, the mother of all farm subisders, would jump for joy to see the CWB gone, one of the few farm "subsidies" we have left. Could see some seats in Manitoba and Saskatchewan go back to the Liberals or even NDP.

- Quebec - the Crapistes aren't doing so great here anymore, thanks to terrible environmental policies, Afghanistan, US bootlicking and dragging SSM back through the mud. Whether that goes to the Bloc or the Liberals, I don't know.

It looks like Harper is trying to do as much damage as he can in a short period with a minority, and tip the hat towards the religious right and Albertans who got him there. So the Portrait Gallery moves, and maybe more to come, like the Asper Museum.
Seriously, don't they see the can of worms that they're opening? A national or provincial capital is supposed to be "neutral ground" when it comes to regional skirmishes. What happens when two private individuals want a new national museum of whatever to be located in their respective cities? This whole thing smells of pork to me.

Pork it is as every MP will be banging the table to get whatever institution located in their riding (the microcosm of this already exists in Ottawa). Having worked for a national museum corporation the problem is not about getting such institutions built, but funding them properly and consistently after they are opened.
isn't there a national museum in Gatineau? I seem to recall passing a museum of some kind walking from the bridge to the HRDC blocks.
The idea of National museums everywhere is political correctness gone overboard in my mind. The great part about visiting a capital is to see all the "national" exhibits and museums, not to see crusty politicians walking around. When I go to Winnipeg I expect to see museums and exhibits dealing with Manitoba. When I am in Toronto I expect to see Ontario exhibits. When I am in Ottawa I expect to see National exhibits. When I am in London Ontario I expect to see London and Area exhibits. I think this is just a federal government branding exercise. Maybe next up is a capital move or duplication... maybe a western capital in Regina.
isn't there a national museum in Gatineau? I seem to recall passing a museum of some kind walking from the bridge to the HRDC blocks.

Hence my remark about Ottawa being a microcosm of this topic. The Museum of Civilization is located in Gatineau, Quebec. The Museum of Nature also has facilities in Quebec, and the National Archives are also there (a great building to see if you ever get the chance - but it is off in the boonies of Gatineau).

The idea is that Gatineau is part of the National Capital Region, thus it is okay to locate national museums in this region.

The political football at the moment is where to locate the new facilities for the Museum of Science and Technology. The tug of war is not only between Ottawa and Gatineau, but between local ridings and their MP's.

Enviro, as for "political correctness" gone overboard, how about this: for every two square feet of office space utilized by the federal government in the city of Ottawa proper, one square foot of office space must be utilized in Gatineau, Quebec.
Here's an idea: if you want regional 'national' museums, why not have rotating collections...? Makes it easier for Canadians everywhere to see without making one travel all over the country to see each museum (as long as one is patient, it'll come to you).

It's a compomise. I'd just as soon leave everything in Ottawa.
^ I agree. Egyptian treasures belong in an Egyptian museum and other museums get them on loan for a limited display. National treasures belong in the nations capital but should tour as well if other Canadian museums wish to show them.
