Toronto Discovery at Concord Park Place | ?m | 28s | Concord Adex | BDP Quadrangle


A significant number of the units in Park Place will be inhabited by renters of modest means who cannot afford a car and choose the location specifically due to the subway. Concord would have not purchased the land nor would have the city granted the densities if it had not been for the subway. As for the low income / privileged comments - the only people providing housing for low-to-moderate income people are developers like Concord, many investors purchase the units, which are then rented out by people who require access to the subway.

It is not going to happen overnight, but the number of units being constructed in the Sheppard corridor are certainly going to increase ridership on the subway line. It would be nice however to have a few more developments that generate employment and retail destinations - even if it doesn't get to SCC, a short extension to the Consumers Road business area would likely generate some additional office development at that location.
First Phase is nearly sold at 80%,

Will start this Spring....
One big sand box...

March 22




thats a rather clean looking station especially for the TTC.
the thing unless the TTC starts to look clean, it will never be clean.

Meaning, if people think the system is cleaner they would be less likely to litter the system. If its dirty people will just keep acting trashy.

Its like the PATH vs a city sidewalk...
Like you never see anyone litter in the PATH, as its clean. People like that, and so they don't litter.
What these pictures don't show is the new road that is being built into an open cut from in front of the Canadian tire to Leslie, with a new road intersecting it midway that will form a grid, dividing the massive parcel into two.

And a station as lightly used as Bessarion can't be anything but clean. One would hope, anyway...
/\ Sure, but how many times have you been caught with an empty coffee cup or some errant wrapper and not been able to find a garbage can in which to dispose of it. If Toronto seriously wants people to stop littering etc. (and who doesn't), the way foreword is quite simple: get more garbage cans out there!
/\ Sure, but how many times have you been caught with an empty coffee cup or some errant wrapper and not been able to find a garbage can in which to dispose of it.

Never. Whether it means shoving it in my pocket, bag, or carrying it until I get home I have ALWAYS been able to find a garbage can in which to dispose of my garbage. I just can't accept a lack of garbage cans as any sort of an excuse; I've never had any sort of trouble finding one in Toronto.


A couple weeks back I watched with mouth agape as a fairly well-dressed guy with iPod wires hanging from his ears at a hot dog vendor piled a cup or so of ketchup, relish and mustard on his hotdog, most of which ended up all over his hands and the sidewalk. After eathing about 3/4 of the hotdog, he decided he was done and tossed the rest on the ground. He got a couple more napkins from the vendor, tried to clean himself up, then tossed those on the ground. The vendor offered him some paper towels, which he used then tossed on the ground then walked away. Out came the vendor with a broom to clean up the mess. The sidewalk was absolutely covered in condiments, discarded food, napkins, and paper towels all from this one individual.

The whole thing was so revolting that I was half-expecting a camera crew to pop out from around the corner.
/\ Sure, but how many times have you been caught with an empty coffee cup or some errant wrapper and not been able to find a garbage can in which to dispose of it. If Toronto seriously wants people to stop littering etc. (and who doesn't), the way foreword is quite simple: get more garbage cans out there!

That is nonsense. In Japan you actually have to go looking for garbage cans. They tend to only locate them next to vending machines. It is far more populated there and you still don't see litter. People who would make an excuse to litter are lazy and don't take pride in the city. Litter isn't exactly a big burden to carry until you find a garbage pail or get home. The sad reality is that the mentality of North American people requires a punishment regime similar to what is use in Singapore.
the mentality of North American people requires a punishment regime similar to what is use in Singapore.

I say bring it on!

Get caught littering on TTC property and you get forced to spend 1 week working with the TTC cleaning stations.
oh come on now - lets really get serious about things - littering = death penalty! (and I am not being sarcastic) I really wish that there was some sort of enviro police tracking down sources of pollution and arresting litterers. Of course our society hasnt arrived at that point yet...

CDL.TO - that story was revolting but you told it in such a funny way, I just had a really good laugh! What a cretin that guy was and three cheers for the vendor atleast attempting to clean up. To pick up on your point though, it is often "well to do" people that I notice littering. I think it has to do with their feeling of self importance. I dont know how many times Ive seen idiots driving BMW's throw coffee cups out their windows...
